#78: Destiny vs. Choices A Mindful Journey with Laurice Duffy


How many times have you paused in the middle of a busy day to think - "I want more. This isn't enough for me"?

In the words of Laurice Duffy, "we are either pushed by pain or pulled by pleasure."

Your dreams aren't achieving themselves. They need you to put in the work. You need to make that choice. You need to decide to be all you want to be.

Laurice Duffy is a life coach passionate about inspiring women. She focuses her intuitive skills on middle-aged women by helping them breathe life into their loss. She believes that all women rise and live beautiful lives simply by choosing to do so.

She is a speaker and podcast host. She holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology and a life coaching certification from the institute of professional excellence in coaching.  

Sometimes the propelling force we need to choose to take that bold and fulfilling step is an event, a situation, or even a person's words.

For Laurice, the propelling force was her husband's failing health was a bad situation.

After being diagnosed with ALS, Laurice watched her husband's health deteriorate and chose who she would be as an individual and single parent after his death.

Laurice said, "life always throws something on our lap at the best time we need it."

 Laurice's coaching journey is an amazing one. She picked herself up from her grief and found where fulfillment lies for her. She managed her husband's health condition and wonderful teenage boys and would still study for her professional coaching certificate. She shows resilience, and that's an inspiring virtue.

She talked about how her knowledge of coaching principles helped her to effectively go through her loss and also help her boys through the pain.  

It is okay to allow some time to grieve after a loss and feel your emotions but don't stay in there longer than you should. " the only way out of pain is through the pain."

In this episode, Laurice tells us:

  • About her coaching journey

  • Tips for managing the loss of a loved one

  • How making a choice changes our destiny path

[01:08] Laurice Duffy

[04:25] An unfulfilled life before coaching

[10:23] Road to being a passionate life coach

[15:08] Managing your loss

[22:25] Making the right choice

[26:30] "Feel your feelings."

[29:30] A snippet of Laurice's future self

[34:45] "The love that continues is essential but invisible to the eye."


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Links Mentioned in This Episode:



 An easy-to-follow guide for heart-centered, introverted women coaches that will help you articulate your unique selling proposition and craft a message that speaks to your dream clients.


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