#65: How To Balance Life and Business with your feminine energy?


Have you ever noticed how people treat you very differently when you dress up a bit?

One thing that I’ve struggled with in the past is feeling confident and standing taller when I was out in public. That feeling of no one really taking me seriously, how can I possibly be anything bigger?

The problem is as an entrepreneur and as a business owner, you’ll need to be confident in what you say, how you do things, and be confident about who you are so that level of energy shines through for your clients. After all, in order for a stranger to trust you, having a good first impression and showing up with the Energy that attracts them is an important aspect of your personal branding.

When you can confidently show up to a room, virtually or in person, you come across as someone who knows what you’re doing, and you hold the authority to create a movement.

What if you are someone like me, who used to struggle with body image and worrying about how others see you? How can you build upon that confidence level and be more for your business?

Ever listen to Abraham Hick's talk on how you summon the energy that attracts? Every day consciously and unconsciously, we are creating through being. The way you are being right now is making the reality you attract. Some Energy inside of us is the Doer, which makes decisions; other Energy inside of us nurtures us in the way that we feel protected and supported. When either one of them gets out of balance, we may feel lost, overwhelmed, sad, anxious...

Nimisha Mehta is an empowerment coach who empowers everyday women to feel beautiful and comfortable in their skins to manifest love and prosperity in life. She is the creator of the Empress Empowerment Program, where she teaches women to build confidence in the way they dress, how they feel, and all the hidden shadows that stop them from feeling classic, expensive, and consequential.

In this episode, you will learn:

  1. How to become more confident by changing the way you see yourself in the mirror

  2. How the power of mirror work can shift your perspectives of who you are

  3. The four types of empresses and how they show up in your life and business

  4. How to cultivate the abundance mindset so you attract and manifest the life you want to live

Click Here To Listen


feel, people, empress, dress, queen, business, wearing, work, life, women, affirmations, mirror, world, step, started, michelle, instagram, beautiful, hair, point


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Links Mentioned in This Episode:



An easy-to-follow guide for heart-centered, introverted women coaches that will help you articulate your unique selling proposition and craft a message that speaks to your dream clients.


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