#61: How To Live A Stress Proof-abe Life With Amy Honeycutt?

Amy Honeycutt on The Michelle Kuei Podcast

Years ago, before my coach life, I was experiencing a lot of back pain and neck issues. No matter how many pillows I switched, that tightness just won’t disappear. Later, I realized that was where my stress sits. Right on top of my shoulder!

As a solopreneur, you played multiple roles within your coaching business. You are your own CEO and Staff of the company, and too often than not, the overwhelming feeling of “this has to work, or else…” can be a burden and often drives many entrepreneurs out of entrepreneurship heading back to their 9-5 job after giving up the dreams and goals they have.

To maintain our mental and physical health and be successful over the long term, it’s crucial to find ways of keeping stress from taking hold.

Coaches who are new to the industry often enter the field with the idea that you can finally call your own shots and make decisions based on your will. Becoming your own boss is perhaps the most important reason you want to start your own coaching business besides the fact that you have a passion and dream to help others live the better life they desire.

Entrepreneurs have some of the most stressful jobs. They must grapple with uncertainty and be personally responsible for any decision. They have the LONGEST WORKING HOURS of any profession. And they have to rapidly develop expertise across all areas of management from finance, marketing, sales, and operations to human resource management in the process of starting and managing their business.

Since stress may show up as part of your entrepreneurial life, it’s probably a good idea to learn a new way of how you can cope with it sooner rather than later. Let’s face it; entrepreneurship is challenging. Some days, it’s just downright overwhelming and exhausting.

In this episode, Expert Easiologist, Amy Honeycutt has a new perspective on how you can live a stress proof-able life without getting to the last straw and breaking point of your entrepreneurship in your coaching business journey.

In this episode, you will learn:

  1. How Amy uses her signature Bio-Hacking to help EASE the stress out of your life.

  2. A Live Demonstration of how Amy walks you through the process of body compass method to identify the root cause of your stress

  3. A simple resource guide to understand Bio-Hacking

  4. Creating awareness to your stress


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Every once in a while, we all need an extra dose of inspiration from someone else who has been on this journey to remind us that we can do this! “I’ve done it, and so can you!”

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:


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