#55: How to turn your setbacks to ComeBacks with Roni Sasaki


What is the most empowering thing you can say to yourself in times of setbacks?

Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or anything that humans experience as significant sources of stress. Being resilient doesn’t mean that a person doesn’t experience difficulty or challenge, and often it is the complete opposite because the road to resilience is very likely to involve a considerable amount of emotional distress.

Dealing with change or loss is an inevitable part of life and at some point, everyone experience varying degrees of setbacks.

Life doesn’t come with an operating manual as one would hope to be. The good news is that there are things you can do to become resilient so that instead of falling into despair or hiding from problems with unhealthy coping strategies, resilient people face life’s difficulties head-on.

My guest speaker today is Roni Sasaki, a paralympic Gold Medalist and podcast host of One Leg Up On Life.

Roni was born with only one leg. Her greatest struggle as a youngster was learning to love and accept herself for being “different.”

Roni harbored a secret desire to become an Olympic athlete, and after various attempts at sports, became a one-legged skier on the U.S. Disabled Ski Team. In 1992, she won a Gold Medal and two Bronze Medals at the Paralympics, held in Albertville, France.

Sasaki is a dynamic and entertaining presenter. She has converted her experiences on the slopes to valuable tidbits of wisdom that inspire business professionals to embrace their unique differences and achieve their goals and dreams.

Roni Sasaki has successfully owned and operated EnviroMet, an industrial supply company, since 1995. She recently published her first book, “From The Start. Trusting God’s Course For My Life,” She is the host of the podcast, “A Leg Up On Life.

What I love about Roni is she's very optimistic. Her acceptance of the way she's been seen "differently" with a leg to stand on opens up the door to many new possibilities.

As an entrepreneur, this feeling of being different can be a gift that sets you apart, makes your story entirely beautifully unique from all others.

In this episode, Roni talked about her life experiences as someone who was born with a missing leg and how she made her way to the ski competition.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • Roni’s story of winning the Paralympic Gold

  • The importance of learning how to get comfortable in falling

  • The meaning of Acceptance

  • The importance of focusing on “what’s next” rather than “what passed” in resiliency

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Every once in a while we all need an extra dose of inspiration from someone else who had been on this journey to remind us that we can do this! “I’ve done it, and so can you!”

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:


Looking to invite a powerful, inspiring storytelling speaker for your upcoming events and program?

Building your resiliency Skill-sets to bounce back and find purpose

With the right amount of LOVE, COURAGE, and CONNECTION in life, we can control the way we respond and react to things when they are uncontrollable.


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