Episode #42 How to be a winner with Shawn Haper

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Many of us look to be successful in life. We admire those who are successful, we desire success and it is something that every coaches and entrepreneurs would have to answer to some day in their career. How do you define Success?

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Shawn Harper, a former NFL-Offensive lineman who played with the Rams, the Oilers, the Colts, and NFL Europe and now owns and operates American Services and Protection, a multi-million-dollar security services firm headquartered in Columbus, Ohio.

Shawn grew up in Columbus, Ohio and in his childhood, Shawn was not seen as the brightest, smartest, strongest kid in his school. After experiencing bullying from school, Shawn came home one day and seek validation from his mother.

Instead of validating the hurt Shawn have had from other kids in his school, his mother said to Shawn, “I raise you to be a winner”.

…And thereafter, Shawn wipes off his tear…and all his life, he strives to be the Winner.

Because Shawn believes Success is a conditional and limiting mindset. Success limits you from the possibility of being the Winner.

His journey from the grit and grime of the NFL locker room to the corporate culture of the boardroom proved that both worlds can be won by using the same principles and strategies!

In this episode, You will learn from Shawn's struggling childhood to being the owner of a multi-million dollar company his definition of winning and succeeding.

Are you winning or succeeding?

Click Here to Listen

“Bravery is facing your fears and believing in yourself.” - Shawn Harper

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Every once in a while we all need an extra dose of inspiration from someone else who had been on this journey to remind us that we can do this! “I’ve done it, and so can you!”

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:


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