Episode #49 Strategy on Being A SMART woman with Clara Capano


Ever feels like a hamster on a run in your business?

If you’re like me, chances are you are wearing multiple hats in your life. You are a mom, you have a full-time job, you got involved with multiple non-profit organizations and you are the head of your daughter’s PTA committee. On the weekend, if you are lucky enough, you might get a quick 5 minutes to break to clean up that messy drawer in your bedroom and breath for 1 minute.

Now that you have a business, there’s a whole other list of tasks and to do you will have to attend to. It makes perfect sense why you would feel you are running out of ideas to create the visibility for your business that will actually turn into a sale.

Joining me this week is international speaker, trainer, best-selling author, and executive producer of the Working Woman’s Channel and living real TV host, Clara Capano. Clara is helping women in business to take control back of their time and have clarity on their goals without the BURNOUT!

After 20 years in Real Estate and experiencing her own burnout as a single mom who tried to do it all, Clara finally got to the moment of clarity and made a decision to show up differently in her life in finding a way to achieve success without all the burnout that many women entrepreneurs are facing.

In this episode, you will learn:

  1. How Self-Care And Alone time is an essential part of your business success?

  2. What is Clara’s definition of being a SMART woman?

  3. Clara’s insider tips on how she is planning her upcoming years in setting herself up for success.

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Every once in a while we all need an extra dose of inspiration from someone else who had been on this journey to remind us that we can do this! “I’ve done it, and so can you!”

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:


10 Ways to Repurpose Your Content


5 Tips to Market Coaching Business During The Holidays