#66: How to start A Debt-free coaching business?


Coaches ask me what was the first thing I did to get my coaching business started?

There were a few things I had going right off the back when I enrolled in iPEC Coaching program. There are a few stories that I share with my audience including having a business name, a simple one-page website as well as a business card by the time I attended my first training session. I felt confident and ready to take on anything that comes my way on this entrepreneurship journey.

Why? I was just a few months away ready to quit my day job which didn’t bring me a whole lot of life fulfillment.

Later, when the pandemic hits and shook the whole world, it delayed my final moment to throw my badge in. With the instability and chaos that was happening all around us, I realized one thing that I was really good at is preparing myself for rainy days in this entrepreneurship. The truth to entrepreneurship is that until you have a system to generate a consistent influx of income through your coaching business, you may want to consider not quitting your job - or perhaps having a safety net for yourself before you get started.

I’m saying this to you because I know, no matter how great you are of a coach, there are going to be days and sometimes month that is a bit ‘slow’. When you have a nice steady income from your coaching business, having this ‘slow’ month is not going to be an issue for you. However, when you are first starting out, the ‘slow’ months are not going to give you the security you need for - food, utility, rent, and all your indisposable expenses.

So do yourself a favor, do your numbers.

In this episode, Financial Coach and Money Mentor, Katy Almstrom joins me in a conversation to how to start a debt-free coaching business. Katy Almstrom is a financial coach and money mentor and founder of The Simplified Budget.

She works with women entrepreneurs to create clear systems for their money that makes them feel confident in the CEO role week after week.

With over a decade of experience in teaching and coaching combined with her own financial success and simplified life, Katy provides a unique service for her clients to help them slow down, map out their own joyful journey to financial freedom, and create a life that has WAY less stress around money.

In this episode, you will learn:

  1. How to align yourself with a business goal

  2. The importance of making investments one thing at a time

  3. Keep things simple and be patience

    Click Here To Listen


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Every once in a while, we all need an extra dose of inspiration from someone else who has been on this journey to remind us that we can do this! “I’ve done it, and so can you!”

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:



 An easy-to-follow guide for heart-centered, introverted women coaches that will help you articulate your unique selling proposition and craft a message that speaks to your dream clients.


#67: How to heal from trauma and living life with joy?


#65: How To Balance Life and Business with your feminine energy?