#75: Building A Better Relationship of Love with Jenn Chow


Do you ever feel lost in a relationship and need to refer to your relationship status as “complicated”?

I mean, seriously, how complicated can it be?

He likes me, or he likes me not.

These are only two choices, but these choices we make in a relationship can be overwhelming as two individuals come together to share life under one roof.

Couples fight because they are two very different individuals with different perspectives, beliefs, personalities, and values. Healthy couples embrace and even welcome these differences and learn ways to fight fairly. There is no happily ever after in reality, but what we can do is create our happiness through the imperfections of our partners. 

My guest today is Jenn Chow, a client of mine who is a relationship coach helping LGBTQ+ women become confident in themselves at creating a relationship they passionately and wholeheartedly desire.

Jenn struggled to come to terms with her sexuality and to try to navigate the difficult world of dating. When her relationship hits a wall or turns out to be much harder than she expected, she goes into therapy, hoping that things will improve.

Her therapist introduced her to the idea of coaching, which sparked her curiosity about exploring more. It turned out she had just killed multiple birds with one stone as she understood how to express her emotions and manage her partner's, and this caused her relationship to blossom, and then a passion for coaching that she never knew existed was born.

Today, she offers a 1-on-1 coaching session where she helps her clients gain deeper self-awareness and clarity on what they truly want in a relationship. At the end of these coaching sessions, her clients are usually mentally and emotionally ready to navigate their relationships with authenticity and confidence.

Jenn Chow is an ICF Accredited Associate Certified Coach, Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, Certified Professional Coach, and Certified Encouragement Consultant. Jenn was born in Taiwan and brought up in California, she experienced a confusing phase in accepting her sexuality. Moving to Japan was the beginning of self-acceptance for her as she met her current partner, and it was the start of a beautiful relationship.

She says, "There is no set type of relationship; there is only you and your partner."

In this episode, you will learn…

  • Jenn's transit from being confused about past relationships to building and sustaining a healthy one.

  • That there is indeed a difference between therapy and coaching.

  • Tips for building healthy relationships with your partners.

  • The seven levels of love.


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