#74: How To Infuse Humor Formula That Makes Your Speech To Go Viral With Katie Munoz


Ever had one embarrassing moment in your life where you just wanted to dig a hole in the ground and hide?

I had a few moments where I’ve done several embarrassing things that I wish I didn’t. Things like stuffing a peanut up in my nostril when I was 5 years old and only to find out minutes later tear and peanuts don’t mix well inside my nostril. Or perhaps it was the day I slipped and fell in a grocery store over a puddle of water, getting up right away and pretending that nothing happened.

Every single one of us has gone through days where the embarrassing moments weren’t that funny at the time.

My friend and Humor Coach, Katie Munoz, is known as a funny person now, but she wasn’t born that way. She was born quiet, serious, and clumsy, leaving her in constant embarrassment.

As a young adult, she finally figured out how to use humor as self-defense (i.e. if you laugh at yourself first, nobody else can laugh at you.) She is living proof that humor can be learned, even by a naturally serious person, with no personality transplant required.

In Toastmasters, she expanded her speaking skills and entered her first humorous speech contest in 1996, with a speech titled “Out of the Closet,” where she came out of the closet as a math nerd. That speech carried her to the regional competition in Eugene, Oregon. People have been gifting her with slide rules ever since.

The next year, she began teaching “The How of Humor” workshops at conferences and conventions to help fellow quiet, serious people master public speaking skills. Her students become confident, knowing their talks will be entertaining. She offers speech writing, online classes, and coaching in her company, Serious to Hilarious.

In this episode, you’ll discover….

  1. Katie’s journey to becoming a humor coach resulted from her childhood bullying.

  2. What is the Humor Formula?

  3. Why is storytelling an important way of connecting with your audience?

  4. How to keep your video and speech interesting?

What’s been a funny experience you had in the past, and how could you turn it into a positive experience? Share your thoughts in the comment below!


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Links Mentioned in This Episode:



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