Episode #44 Epic Vision Zone with Jane Applegath

Over the weekend, I wrapped up another round of the Brave Your Brand challenge Fall class with 5 amazingly beautiful women coaches who have a great mission in life to help others in achieving their greatness.

Many of them came from a long journey of struggles, challenges, and they are here because they have a dream, a vision in life that one day they can use their skills to help those who are struggling to start to take up spaces in this world by being who they are.

This may sound like you.

In fact, there is a great chance that you are reading this because you too have a vision to be somewhere you can identify yourself as being “successful”. There is a vision within you that by taking steps you will get there.

A serial entrepreneur, Jane has amalgamated a lifetime in award-winning sales, 20 years in T.V. production, script writing, wordsmithing, yoga instruction, and creative intelligence into a framework that enrolls women into their vision, voice, and value, so that they can prosper doing work they love.

Jane’s vision is to ignite a revolution of female freedom through entrepreneurship; transforming the landscape of prosperity and leadership for women to live their best life while impacting the lives of those they are here to serve.

It was my privilege to be able to speak and connect with Jane Applegath who’s vision is to support others in sharing their Epic vision to the world.

In this episode, you will learn…

  1. Why is it important to have a vision?

  2. Jane’s journey from the film industry to how she finally finds her true purpose in helping others and support them to share their vision.

  3. How Jane’s vision lead to creating a platform for others

  4. Tips on how to owning your next video on the camera

Click Here To Listen


Bravery is pushing through the dark to find the light. It’s saying “Yes” to everyone else’s “No”. It’s pushing boundaries and taking a leap beyond any comfort zone. Bravery is daring your limitations, conquering the unexpected, and transforming the unimaginable into a new reality. - Jane Applegath


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Every once in a while we all need an extra dose of inspiration from someone else who had been on this journey to remind us that we can do this! “I’ve done it, and so can you!”

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:


Episode #45 When the world, I shift with Ledi Vokshi


How to overcome perfectionism in business?