Why is visibility important in business for women coaches?

The number one self-doubt I had after graduating from iPEC coaching program was figuring out how to market and sell my coaching business.

How do I make myself more visible?

No one knew who I was, and having 200 followers on Instagram that consisted of friends and family and daily posting to promote myself to my friends and family didn’t bring me any paying clients.

I wanted to be helpful; I wanted to provide service.

The truth is without becoming visible, I don’t have a business.

My first reaction was when I found out I would spend 90% of my time marketing my coaching business; It felt like I got another huge mountain to climb.

“When you let your spirit self guide you to your destiny, doors will magically open for yoU.”

- Michelle Kuei

Why Visibility Is An Important Marketing Strategy

Marketing is a daunting task for many introverted coaches like me.

The idea of having to convince others to take it out of their wallet makes you feel greedy. But the reality is we are constantly ‘marketing’ an idea, a belief, a new way of thinking to anyone and everywhere in all walks of life, whether you are a business owner trying to sell a product or service or a stay home mom trying to sell your husband on the next vacation destination. We are in a constant selling mode when it comes to engaging and interesting with others to express and exchange ideas.

Everyone starts at some point….You can never go wrong in sharing your values to build your audience's know, like, and trust. And dare I say.....this is always the MOST POWERFUL way of giving your audience a chance to know more about you.

What I’ve found in my work is that getting visible is scary, especially as someone who often tips to the introvert end of the ambivert spectrum! I’d spend a lot of time on the creation side of things – writing blog posts, creating freebies and courses, and very little time on marketing.

How Storytelling Become The Answer To Visibility In Your Business

Being visible is something that many coaches struggle with as they grow and scale their coaching business. But the irony is that visibility is the only thing that is going to make you stand out from the masses if you believe that your contribution will serve a positive impact with a greater purpose - whether it is the effect of coaching on an individual or the collectiveness of raising the world’s consciousness.

The truth is No one can tell your story better than yourself.

This is why when I teach my students to create storytelling content, I often encourage them to identify a few of their content pillars or a topic theme centered around the values they have in their personal and professional life.

  • What are some of the life-changing ah-ha moments you had in your life?

  • What values have you learned from these experiences?

Now, take those pieces and write something about them.

This strategy is much more effective than randomly posting on things you think your audience might like instead of focusing on what you can REALLY do to make a difference in their life. There is a huge difference between what you think they need to hear and what they want to hear.

What business visibility can do for you?

The problem is with the rise of this coaching industry, chances are there is already someone else doing what you do. Maybe even better than you based on the sales and profits they generate per month and per year.

You'll gain more opportunities with faster advancement by being more visible in your coaching business because people consider visibility equal credibility. If you want to be the first one people think of when they need your service, then learning why and how to be visible for your coaching business plays a crucial role in your marketing strategy.

There is no secret to why coaches and healers who courageously and confidently put themselves out there attract the biggest audience and traffic into their business. They show up consistently, get known for the area of their expertise, and build an audience over time while attracting and signing more clients.

Visibility in your coaching business helps:

  • Establish your brand awareness so the audience knows who you are and how you can help

  • Become the expert in the subject matter you are passionate about

  • It connects you to more opportunities you would not have otherwise

  • Reach and sign more perfect clients

“Taking action and staying positive might seem harder to do, but it will make your life more fulfilling.”

-Michelle Kuei

Visibility is about being seen. To be seen, you’ll need to stand out. To stand out, you need to harness your superpower and can’t be doing the same as everyone else. One thing that worked well for me was the idea of telling stories because stories are meant to connect with people, build trust and create a relationship that inspires actions.

I’m not some kind of social media magician…this is a method, a strategy, a system that I’ve learned after having to market my coaching business; this system can be applied and used repeatedly…AND IT WORKS! To learn more about what kind of storytelling superpower do you have in your coaching business, take a storytelling archetype quiz to find out.

5 Ways To Your Visibility

The goal of visibility is to reach more of the RIGHT people, sharing the RIGHT information at the RIGHT time so you can connect with the bigger audience who are RIGHT as your perfect client.

Here are my top 5 ways I teach my students when creating visibility strategies in your coaching business.


Speaking in a wonderful way to be visible and connect with people because they get to experience you. This can be you hosting webinars or virtual masterclasses to share your content. You can leverage your speaking by recording it so you can share it and repurpose it for your website.


Podcasting is an easy way if you love to talk but are not excited about video. You can also approach people who have podcasts and ask to be a guest on their show which you can share on your website and blog as social proof.


Blogging is an amazing way to show your expertise and share valuable content with your ideal clients. Be sure your blog is optimized so that others sharing your blog post will have an easier way of finding you, making you more visible.


Video is a way to create connections with people. Youtube remains the second largest search engine behind google, where people constantly search for helpful resources. You can also create video recordings from your webinar to teach people how to do something and repurpose the same video on your blog or share it on social media.

Highlight Others

Take yourself out of the equation. By making someone else more visible in your coaching business, you are also helping yourself become more visible. One of my favorite way to build visibility is by sharing and telling others’ success stories. Highlight how others are successful because of your work; this can be in the form of testimonials or case studies. Highlighting others’ work is an effective way of building visibility, credibility, and so much more.

If you’re ready to take action on your business, my complimentary Visibility Call will be the perfect Inspo-Action to get you going; it will transform your feelings into positive action steps so you can go on to achieve the success you desire.

Scroll down to the comment section and tell me…are you ready to take some action for your business visibility?


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