Top 10 MUST READ Books For New Coaches in 2022

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”

-Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Over the last three years, I have read numerous and variety of books on Business and Mindset to set up my own coaching business while learning from others. For me, having a library of books is a fantastic resource to help me formulate words and ideas when I’m struggling and thirsting for inspiration.

It’s like being able to grab a coffee with someone who gets it, whenever I want, wherever I want.

We’d all like to be a better coaches to ourselves and our clients, but as new entrepreneurs and new coaches sometimes we’re just not sure how to go about it. There are many ways that we can go about doing this; for example look to others who have got it right, those who have achieved success, and ask how they did it.

The good news is, people are generally quite happy to share, and books that are now available are a testimony to this. While there are many books that focus on business and mindset, belong are a list of book that had been recommended through coaches from iPEC coach community. Many of which are top-performing and successful coaches who have had benefit from reading and working with others.

Looking to have more ways to create a visible coaching business? Subscribe to receive weekly newsletters and updates with storytelling methods to make your content creation process an easy peasy experience and attract your soulmate clients.

Here are the recommended top 10 books that every new coach should read to start their coaching business:

Transitions by William Bridges.

“This book explores the underlying and universal pattern of transitions that both our clients and we as coaches experience in all areas of life. When we fail to recognize and embrace transitions for what they are (growth into the next pages of life), common themes and characters will continue to show up in a repeating pattern. This book provides one of the best research-based explorations I have encountered. 10 out of 10 recommend!” - James Ward, President, and Head Coach at James Ward Coaching

Prosperous Coach, Rich Litvin

“This is a must-read for every new coach in my humble opinion. It reminds all coaches to be generous with their gift of coaching and “Just Keep Coaching!” The more you coach, the more you gain experience and the more important of support you become to your future clients!” - Laurie Greenberg, Founder, Infinite Potential Coaching,

Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck

“Even as coaches we get stuck in a fixed mindset that keeps us from showing up in our business, trusting our skills as a coach, changing the narrative on how we talk to ourselves along the journey and developing a new identity as an entrepreneur. This mindset is often instilled at a very young age and the sooner you notice it in yourself the more awareness you can relate to your clients as well!” - Nathalie van Haaren leadership &transition coach

Coach the Person Not the Problem by Marcia Reynolds

“It is so easy for coaches to get sucked into the client's story, but, as we fight that urge a wonderful new landscape is revealed, the "issue" behind the "issue." When we are in the client's story, it is impossible to peel the onion back to reveal the layers beneath. “ - John Kormanik

What Got You Here, Won't Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith

“A great book for emerging leaders to help them understand the behavioral shifts they need to make as they rise in leadership, and for executives, who are stuck in their careers. The premise of the book is all in the title: Many executives pick up bad habits and behaviors as they climb the corporate ladder, but these behaviors that they think helped them get to a certain level, are not sustainable, and actually hinder further success. Goldsmith goes into many of the frequent pitfalls and what you can do to overcome them.” - Amy Kan, Founder, Amy Kan Coaching.

“Reading what you want, and having one book lead to the next, is the way I found my discipline.”

-Joseph Campbell, The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life & Work

The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (Sacred Activism) by Charles Eisenstein

“As coaches, we support people in becoming the most radically authentic, powerful version of themselves. But although the work may be focused on the individual, it is vital that we remember that it is always about much more than them. This book masterfully awakens us to an inconvenient truth—that the story of the world that we have co-created is broken, unsustainable, and destroying us. It then eloquently paints a picture of the more beautiful world that we know in our hearts is possible and invites us to step into it. The author shares a story that is thought-provoking, inspirational, and a must-read for every coach and every individual who is called to be a powerful leader of change in our world. It is time to remember (re-member) that everything and everyone is connected.” - Josip Markus; Chief Storyteller;

The Resilience Factor: 7 Keys to finding your inner strength and overcoming Life’s challenges. By Karen Reivich, Ph.D. and Andrew Shatte, Ph.D.

“Many clients seek coaching because of overwork and overwhelm that sets them on the road to burnout. What if you could assess the 7 factors that support your client’s ability to be resilient in the face of life’s adversity? The Resilience Factor goes beyond just explaining concepts to provide practical tools to build resiliency skills that will help your coaching clients to flourish at work and home.” - Dr. Leigh Holcomb, CEO of Career Catalyst Edge

The Inside Out Revolution: The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever by Michael Neill

“For any coach in any niche. The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team - for corporate/internal/team coaches (this is not a coaching book per se but it adds an essential ‘systems coaching’ dimension that your classic coaching books are sorely lacking because they concentrate on 1:1 coaching)” - Romana Cavar

“Perhaps some of us have to go through dark and devious ways before we can find the river of peace or the highroad to the soul's destination.”

-Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand Faces

Content Inc. by Joe Pulizzi.

“This book walks you through the entire process of how to develop valuable content, build an audience around that content and create a product for the audience. It focuses on the strategy of how-to and when applying the methods laid out from this book, you can create the business of your dreams.” - Michelle Kuei, Elevate LifeCoaching

Brand Storytelling by Miri Rodriguez.

“This book gets back to the heart of placing your clients first when building a loyalty brand. It provides a step by step guide to assess, dismantle, and result in a brand story, shifting from a hero to sidekick mentality and positioning clients as the key influencer to motivate the audience.” - Michelle Kuei, Elevate LifeCoaching

Make it stand out


Stories allow people to share knowledge and emotions, find themselves in communities (or their own), make sense of the world they live in by using stories as moral compasses that provide them with guidance for living life's best possible tale! It’s not enough only telling clients about your profession; you must also engage emotionally and tell personal narratives which will resonate long after your discovery calls.


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