Mindset or System? Which is more important to your business growth?

Mindset or System, which is more important?

We hear this a lot, you have to have the right mindset to be successful in what you do. While it is true, I personally believe that having a system in place is really the FOUNDATION to building success.

The right mindset will help you get started but the system is what keeps your success going.

After all, isn't that the reason why we asked have encouraged clients to SMART goals in creating their success plan?

In other words, having a system in place, paving the way to your success.

Sometimes, a perfect system is not possible when you're starting out. All we can do in the early stages of your new journey is lay the groundwork for what's to come.

Imagine the way you are building your business is the same way you would have building a house. Having a system means that there are going to be times where it feels like everything about this house doesn't feel right; and maybe even though you've already started laying down some things which may seem trivial now - such as identifying your niche, knowing your target audience, or creating consistency in how you show up in your business online and In-person - these will help pave way for small changes later on if the need arises.

When these ideas of self-doubt, worries, lack of self-esteem come in, we can then address them to either adapt to the system or revamp the whole system and start new.

A system sets the direction and tone for which you will run your business from ground zero.

Here are some tips on how to set up your startup business:

Decide on your business hour

You are your own boss, no one is checking your time card anymore. Having an established "business hour" that allows you to remain focused on "business activity" only so you can stay productive.

Set up your payment options.

How will you accept payments from your clients? Venmo, Paypal, or Check? Look into various online payment options and consider each benefit and transaction fee.

Track your day-to-day conversations.

Whether it is a prospect, client, or collaboration. Keep track of the conversations you have throughout the day to stay on track with building your client relationship.

These are just some of the "systems" that I had to set up for my own business. What system have you set up for your business to ensure your mindset is heading in the direction towards your success?

One thing I often see startup coaches struggling with is they adapt to several different pieces without the understanding of WHO THEY are in their business, what makes them unique, what makes them special. While they have the “right mindset” in going into the coaching business, but things start to fall apart when they do not have the system aka strategy to express to their audience who they are and why they should care.

…and the fact is not that they don’t have the “right mindset” into the business, it is the lack of a system that throws them off the chart and off the industry.

Here’s what my friend and colleague Annette Wilfong would say “The basic “ I want” or “I need” requires a mindset to create a solution. Another way to look at it might be; I just ran into a problem (this requires no mindset as it happened To you) A solution requires a mindset to create it and a mindset to propel it into action.”

Mindset or System, I believe they are equally important and one needs to be followed by another. Having the right mindset to start a business means you need to have a plan of action to back up and support the mindset you established. The right mindset gets your business running, but with the system, you can be sure to enjoy the success you long for.

To all the people who had the mindset before me with strategies, they’ve created to support me in making my dreams possible. And to all the mentor coaches who support others with the system to make their business work.


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