What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?

There would have been more things I give it a try if I knew I would not fail. Things like rollerskating, river rafting, and maybe actually submit my application back in college to go to Medical School. Who knows what other scary things I would have tried had I known that I would not fail.

But then there’s also the other me, that questions my choices all the time. It always starts with “what if?” in the sentence.

What if they don’t like this?

What if they don’t need it?

What if I invested so much time and things didn’t work out.

When I used to live in a world of “What if”, it was kind of exhausting. When I finally landed my pharmacy job here in Southern California, I was pretty much down to the last four-digit number in my savings account. It was at the point where I needed to find a job and I need to find this job fast after staying behind for a year to study for my board exam at the time. I remember applying to many opening positions within a 100 miles radius and for some reason, it was difficult to find them without knowing the right people or having a network.

It kind of reminds me of what it’s like to be a starting coach. You might have quit your job or maybe you got to let go of your previous. At this point you are living purely on your savings account and every dollar that you spend is a dollar less from your saving. There’s that feeling of “What if I don’t get my clients?”

Yup! That was me back when I first apply for a job in my pharmacy position. I was desperate. So desperate when a recruiting agent reached out to me and offer to help, I jumped on it. I admittedly needed help to get my foot inside somewhere.

…Finally, it happened. I got an interview at my current position and whatever I said or done, I must have done something right. The position was offered to me.

I took on the position not knowing that after years of following rules (and broke a few) that I would be someday come to a conclusion that this is not the life I want to live forever. I didn’t know that being a pharmacist brought a sense of security but it doesn’t fulfill the higher purpose that my life was meant to be.

So…here’s something for you, if you’re still spending a lot of time in “what if?”

Life happens when you are willing to let go of the need to control. You and I, both, do this all the time trying to control things and people, so they turn out to be the way we want them to be. We do everything in our power to stop things from happening unexpectedly, but later learn that no matter how careful you were, you will always find surprises.

What if they don’t like it?

What if no one buys my service/product?

What if I make a fool of myself?

Yes, dear. What if?

What if you knew you would not fail? What if you can make bigger and bolder moves by simply let go of the desire to control your outcome? What if you do fail? Will the sun stop showing up at dawn tomorrow morning? Will the moon suddenly forget to go through its phases? Will the tree stop withholding the strong wind?

Nope! none of the above.

Things will keep moving forward around you and within you.

All you got to do is stay focus, stay on track knowing that no matter what you do, you would not fail. Okay…maybe you might break a few bones, but you will rise. Trust me! You will. We all do.

This is what be brave is all about.

Knowing there’s fear, but you do it anyway.

Hmm…What would I attempt if I knew I would not fail? A lot!

A lot of love. A whole lot of love to everything around me and within me. I would be making bigger and bolder moves every day. I would be alive and living it. How ‘bout you? What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?


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