How to simplify your coaching business without feeling overwhelmed all the time?

The simplicity of your life is defined by your needs. The fewer needs you have, the more simple your life is. However, getting to simplicity isn’t always a simple process.

It’s a journey, not a destination, and often a SUPER LONG journey.⁠

Last week, I was talking to a fellow coach and friend of mine. She shared with me how she felt overwhelmed by the amount of "tasks" that she had on her plate—writing a book, working on her website, creating content for social media...and all while maintaining just several clients! Everything seemed to have snowballed when one thing went wrong; now all these tasks are coming down hard at once.

She felt she was constantly fighting against time.

"I'm always out of time."

“I am in control of my time. "

…and let's face it, as a solopreneur who is early on your journey, you probably have to wear many hats and being seen as "Ms. Do-It-All". It’s not that you don't want to do things; it's just you simply don't have the time to do them all! Does this sound like YOU? Does this sound like me?!


I used to call myself the woman "slasher". I am a slash/slash/slash.

Fill in the blank there for yourself! Here's my version of this slashing life: I am a clinical pharmacist, visibility coach, an author who's working on publishing a second book this year, a passionate humanitarian working to bring equality in education, a daughter taking care of two elderly parents, and a friend who is always being there to support my friends.

When you have to wear multiple hats in life, I’ve learned what works really well is to start simplify things for yourself! Give yourself the BEST gift you can and that's by simplifying this. Sit down on a weekend afternoon and think about all of your processes as it comes with running your coaching business. What can we streamline right now?

Maybe it is just spending time mastering one platform where your ideal clients hang out the most. Maybe it’s just sending an email to your subscriber once a week. The point is you get so much more productive when you can filter out all the external noise and start listening to what really feels good, achievable and be consistent in doing.

Simplify this process of how you connect with your soulmate clients. If you like to do podcasts, do it consistently every week. If you'd like to write, write a blog or email every week, every other week, and however it feels good to fit in your current schedule. The point is simplicity always wins in creating consistency!

Getting back to your basics is as easy as ABC: ⁠

  • Assess and do an overview of your life and focus on one priority right now. ⁠

  • Brainstorm possible obstacles that may show up along the way.

  • Commit to simplifying your life based on the top of your priority. Focus on one area, master it and then move on to the next. ⁠

When you can confidently take on any new tasks in life and can't stop smiling, that's when you know you've given it all. Keep going until you feel that in everything you do in your business!

Here are some steps on how to simplify your coaching business so you can stay on track and stay focus:

  • Make a list of all the tasks you do, and rank them by how much time they take

  • Get rid of things that are important but not urgent

  • Ask for help and delegate simple tasks (including asking your family member to help)

  • Automate as many things as you can - use online tools to make some aspects of your business easier to manage

  • Work smarter not harder - find ways to simplify what you're doing so it doesn't feel like work anymore

Sit down and think about all of the tasks that are currently taking up your day - from emailing clients to updating social media profiles, marketing strategies, etc. What doesn't add value or move things forward? And never forget to give yourself a pat on the back. You've succeeded in streamlining your coaching business so you can spend more time doing what matters most to you today!


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