Are you being visible for your business?

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Something I hear many startup coaches say… “I haven’t been consistent in doing live because….” What comes after generally is pretty predictable and falls in the line of:

  1. I don’t like being on the video

  2. I don’t know what to say when I’m on video

  3. I feel weird to go live

  4. Do I have to be on video?

To make the matter worse, this feeling of not being authentic enough in honing their voice even shows up during their coaching session. It feels like everyone had been given a textbook to follow the rules, questions to ask, and tools to use? Or maybe it's that feeling of everyone sounds the same as if we all got a written script in front.

I’m here to break the news to you…You, as an individual, are this massive powerhouse waiting to share your personal magic in the world. You are not a script, you are not a script you are reading. You are an intuitive, authentic powerhouse!

You can be authentic and speak from your heart regardless of your location. You can moderate and interview on your podcast show and enjoy the conversation with your guest without ever reading off a script or playlist that you have to spend numerous hours on.

As coaches, we forget when we are working on our client’s limiting beliefs, and helping them uncover what’s been stopping them from showing up, the very same limiting beliefs had been placed upon us as they set us out into the world and start our own practice. There is no right or wrong way of branding yourself as long as it is through your authentic voice that you can connect yourself to and that others can hear and see you.

What is the first thing you look for when you first graduated from the program? A script. You've been following that same script among thousands and thousands of people before you and after you. You carry this script into your session, into your copy, into your video, onto your packaged yourself based on a script you have been given by everyone else before you. I know...I was there. I know what that feels like.

Everyone has an email list, everyone is on the clubhouse, everyone uses LinkedIn, everyone uses Instagram reel….but too often than not, you missed the fact that everyone is not you and you don’t have to be like EVERYONE.

Here are four reasons why it is crucial to be visible for your coaching business:
1. Getting your name out there boosts marketing efforts
2. Visibility helps increase revenue in a cost-effective manner
3. Your credibility reflects the quality of your services
4. It’s important that potential clients can locate your business

You have this set of unique gifts, talent, and strength that you can bring into your own business. If you are who you are and believe in what you do, don't you think it makes sense to package yourself for being who you are in everything you do?

After all, your clients want to work with you, not a script.

If you want more clients then the problem isn’t where to find them; the problem is you are not visible enough for them to find you. And here's some reality check for you on this journey to be visible and be in front of your audience:

  • You will procrastinate

  • You will prioritize EVERYTHING but your business work.

  • You will be at the EFFECT of the market instead of in control of it.

  • You will stay an "ideas person" without ever seeing anything through.

If you are not getting noticed, you will not be getting clients. Simple, but True!


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