How to work smart and get things done?


Do you feel as if you are constantly running out of time?

It's like from the moment we open our eyes, there are endless responsibilities that await us in the day. I have to clean the house, do the laundry, prepare my meals, exercise, work...drop off your kids, pick up your kicks, Aaron has a soccer game to go to and Emily got piano lessons on the weekend. And not to mention you have a business to run and a full-time job that pays the bill.

Are you exhausted yet? I know I am. 😱

This makes perfect sense why you wouldn't have enough time to do live video, create content, write blogs and emails to keep your audience engaged and being visible for your business!

Duhh! How can you when you have a million other things to do on your plate?

I see you and I hear you.

Feeling overwhelmed by the million little things that we as entrepreneurs have to do has been brought to my attention multiple times as my community had been asking me "Michelle, how do you do all these things?" 

The truth is we will never have "enough". There's always going to be something that shows up along the way that gives us the sense of not having enough. So the problem is not you don't have enough time, the problem is we haven't connected the dot between who we are to what we do and how we do things in life. The problem is we are not doing things in the best interest of ourselves and connecting to our true being.

The 3 steps to getting things done and being confident about what you do.

Baby Step

This is the first step to getting things done. Becoming aware of where you are and where you want to be is a crucial step in making a change in your life. Having the awareness that something is working or not working for you gives us the information on how we want to move forward. Your baby step may be as small as making a habit of writing things down.

Action Step

This is the next step once you have the direction of where you want to be and you are implanting a strategy on how to get to it. You are taking the actionable step to figuring things out along the way whether it is something that works or doesn't work. You are willing to try things out.

Giant leap

This is the step where you are making bolder moves, taking a bigger step by accepting some risks to reaching the finish line.

Lastly, here are 4 practical skills you can implement today:

Stop Multi-Tasking

Contrary to our belief, multi-tasking just doesn't work. So stop multitasking and start being present in the moment that requires you to focus and channel your attention.

Pomodoro Techniques

This is a technique that was introduced in 1980 by Francesco Cirillo. This technique involves setting up productive time, traditionally 25 minutes follow by a short buffer time or break time. You can also set up a time block to give you better control of how you want to spend your productive time while leaving room for all the other things you need to do in life.

Prioritize by making your my top 3 things

Decide where your energy goes during the day and assign to accomplish only the top 3 important things based on their level of ease, must have, or level of difficulty.

Identify your time wasters

Make a list of where you waste most of your time. Be curious about how you can minimize the time wasted and make those time available to things you want to have more time on. Minimize your time waste by coming up with a strategy that works best for you.

If you need help in getting things done this year, I have put together a 19-pages of Goal-Setting Workbook that is going to help you set up your goals, track your progress, and eliminate the negative self-talk that shows up along the day. You can find a copy of this Goal Getter Workbook by entering your information below:


5 Things I’ve Learned in the Last 3 Years of Running My Business


Are you being visible for your business?