Are you following your heart?

  • What vision do you have in life this year?

  • Why now is a good time to do it?

There is nothing more freeing than watching the birth of a new child, paying the last stroke of a masterpiece, or having a miraculous realization about our vision to life.

A friend of mine had reached out to me last week needing my coaching questions. We got on the phone and she vented her anger. I held the space for her so she can lash out her anger. (Sometimes we all need that person who can hold the space for us as we vent and release the energy that held us back from the freedom we deserve).

She had worked as a project manager in a big cosmetic company for many years. She had a team of people whom she got to lead. She had been successful in generating high sales in her department every year. She quit about three years ago in pursuit of her passion; the life she wants to live.

She had worked on a project for a very long time before she quit her previous job. Recently she was stuck and confused about her next step. She was telling me how she was really passionate about going into the industry because it fitted her personality really well. She loves beautiful things and the cosmetic industry really was something that she thought would be the place where she shines.

But as years went by she started to realize that "Nope! this is not what I want in my life." The problem is some people spend years thereafter figuring out exactly what makes them wake up in the morning and feel fabulous about doing it in the morning. I know this feeling really well because I spend the last 20 years feeling this way about Pharmacy. I thought it was something I wanted it but later I realized that it was just a thing that my parents wanted and it was convenient for me to get into. I did it because it was easier to transfer my college credits.

This brings me wanting to ask you this question today: Are you following your heart?

Are you doing something simply it is the most logical thing to do or are you doing something because this is something your mind, your body, and your soul really had spoken to you?

Are you listening to the voice of your soul?

Passion is what makes us jump out of our beds every morning feeling motivated and go to sleep at night feeling fulfilled. And this is where many of us failed to see, the opposite of our fear is not the absence of fear, but instead is the love for what we do. Passion is the antidote to your fear. While passion cannot cure the fear, but it can certainly motivate you to get going.

The difference between having a lot of passion vs having a lot of confidence is that those who are passionate often find themselves discouraged by the unexpected obstacles that show up. When reality hits you harshly, no matter how passionate you are, passion will fade away. What will sustain you in life is not the passion that got you going, but the belief that no matter how difficult it becomes “I will persevere and succeed!”.

Now this, my friends, is inner confidence.

It is THE most inherent truth to why we are the way we are, why we do the things we do and why we are who we are in life. It is the knowledge that no matter how difficult life throws obstacles at you, there’s something about you that you can count on to FIGURE things out, eventually. This ‘Knowing’ is essential when it comes to following your heart instead of listening to the voice of your mind.

This inner confidence takes the most and the longest to work on in our life. It is through the accountability you find in your circle of a tribe where we can receive the support & connection we need to rise above our challenges when we fall behind.

What does your heart say to you? When is the last time you followed its lead? ​


Are you being visible for your business?


Top 10 Reads For Personal Growth for Spring 2021