#91 Finding Your Moxie With Your Moxie Coach Megan Brown


Are you feeling lost and don't know what your purpose is? Are you struggling to find your voice in a noisy world? You're not alone.

As women, we often face challenges and obstacles that can test our strength and resilience.

It can be tough to navigate through difficult times and emerge stronger on the other side, but it's not impossible. In this week's episode of the Make It Visible podcast, we are joined by Megan Brown, a moxie coach who helps women tap into their inner strength and find their moxie.

In this episode, Megan shares her own journey of overcoming adversity and finding her moxie and offers practical tips and advice for women looking to do the same.

She talked about the importance of how showing judgment towards others can limit an open mind, that teasing sometimes hurts, and tormenting only triggers fear. There have been a few lessons that she has learned in her life… But she's taught herself to take difficult situations and learn from them (there is always a lesson!).

It has taken YEARS of counseling, coaching, and support from her circle of trusted colleagues, family, and friends- BUT she feels FREE.

But there is one thing that Megan believes every woman in this world needs to learn in order to be a strong woman in rough times: self-compassion—allowing your emotions that rise, embrace them, and make space for them to flow through you.

Megan encourages women to practice self-compassion by talking to themselves in a kind, understanding way and reminding themselves that they are not alone in their struggles.

When we are struggling, it's easy to fall into a negative thought pattern and beat ourselves up, but having a safe space that allows us to break that cycle and instead offer ourselves kindness and understanding.

“Just keep moving forward. But it's a hard road. It's a hard road.” Megan said, “You will have throwbacks; they will be mad because you're behaving differently than you normally do, but you're doing it for yourself. So hold on to it. Don't people, please, if you have to. If that doesn't feel right, then don't do it.”

Making space for your emotions, positive or negative, is a powerful tool that can help us build inner strength and resilience, and Megan Brown is the perfect coach to help us find our moxie and tap into it.

In this episode, you'll discover…

[04:49] What inspired Megan to be a coach

[08:37] What Megan had to overcome after her divorce

[11:39] What Megan would teach every woman to do in times of adversity

[15:10] How Megan works with her clients

[20:04] How Megan continue to motivate herself and others in finding their moxie


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