#87 List Building: The One Thing I Wish I had Done Sooner!


don't you just wish your coaching business comes with a voice command 

"Hey, Alexa! show me how to get more clients?"  or  "Hey, Google! Tell me how to get people in my workshop." 

Sometimes you just need a little direction to what you need to focus on to make your business work like it suppose to...you know? 

Email marketing is one of the things that you should invest your energy in. It’s the most direct way to get more clients, build relationships, and take them from one step down the customer journey toward becoming paying clients.

Email marketing might not be all as complicated as it seems, but it does require knowledge about how to maximize its use for your coaching business. That I wish I had started early in my coaching business.

You need to know how to create an email list, write engaging emails, and build a sequence of emails that will help your clients move toward the next step. You must also understand the mechanics behind setting up an opt-in form, using autoresponders, tracking analytics, and more.

Before you start sending out emails, you need to define your target audience. If you’re not sure who your ideal clients are, take some time to create a client persona so that you can tailor your emails for those specific people.

To get the most out of email marketing, use it as part of an integrated digital marketing strategy that includes social media and other channels. You don’t want just to send out emails and hope for leads. You should also be offering content, courses, or products that can help your clients.

You should always be looking for ways to refine your email marketing strategy – whether it’s through A/B testing different subject lines, analyzing open rates and click-throughs, or segmenting your email list to target different groups of people.

Email marketing is a powerful tool for coaches, and it can help you get the most out of your coaching business. It’s worth investing the time to make sure you know how to use it correctly!

In this episode, I shared the seven secret awesome sauces of how you can get started with that one thing to make a whole lotta difference in your coaching business:

  1. When should you start building your email list if you are a new coach?

  2. How to optimize your email opt-in rate?

  3. Why do you need to be consistent in email marketing to see results?

  4. How you can pivot your social media presence?


[2:25] Something you need (An Email List).

[4:00] Why do you need a Freebie?

[5:15] Seven Awesome Secret Sauce.

[24:49] Example of a free lead magnet.


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