#81: How to Gain Visibility For Your Business & Attract Your Ideal Clients Without Paid Ads with Tracy Beavers


Building your business does NOT have to be a struggle.

It's not about selling, it's about helping. It's about providing value and building trust. It's about leading with your heart and being of service.

When you focus on making a difference in the lives of others, the money will follow. So forget all the "rules" about business and follow your heart. It will never steer you wrong.

Many women coaches struggle in getting in front of an audience to build a visible coaching business that allows them to attract their dream clients. And sometimes, what looks as simple as creating a facebook ad actually takes years of testing, testing and testing in order to find one that works.

Not all paying ad are effective in attracting your coaching clients.

Luckily there are a number of strategy that you can use to build a visible coaching business without paying ads.

Here are some of them:

1. Use content marketing to attract your dream clients. Content marketing is all about creating and sharing valuable content that helps your target audience solve their problems. When you provide helpful and informative content, people will begin to see you as an expert in your field and they'll be more likely to do business with you.

2. Build relationships with other experts in your field. When you network with other experts, you'll not only gain valuable insights and ideas, but you'll also be able to reach a larger audience. One of the best ways to build relationships is to guest blog on other people's websites. Not only will this give you exposure to a new audience, but it will also help you build credibility and authority in your field.

3. Use social media to build visibility for your business. Social media is a powerful tool that can help you reach a larger audience and build relationships with potential clients. When using social media, be sure to focus on providing value and engaging with your target audience.

4. Speak at events and conferences. When you speak at events and conferences, you'll have the opportunity to share your message with a large audience and build visibility for your business. Additionally, speaking at events can help you build relationships with other experts in your field.

5. Get featured in the media. Getting featured in the media is a great way to build visibility for your business. To get started, simply reach out to journalists and bloggers who cover your industry and pitch them story ideas.

Building a successful coaching business doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. By using content marketing, social media, and other strategies, you can attract your dream clients without spending a lot of money on ads. So get out there and start building your business today!

In this episode, My guest Tracy Beavers joins me on sharing her brilliance as a Business and Sales coach who has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years, from overcoming the fear of sales to growing their business visibility through organic marketing strategies. She walks hand in hand with her clients, providing them with a roadmap of clear action steps so they can put their blinders on and confidently get to work.

She is a wife, a Mom of two young adults, and a dog mom. She is a public speaker and a published author. She has been featured on top business podcasts and is a regular contributor on one of her hometown's premier tv shows. She is the creator of two online courses: "Business Visibility Made Easy" and "Be A Confident Entrepreneur." She has a group coaching program and offers private 1:1 coaching for clients wanting a VIP customer experience.

"If you don't have authenticity, most of the time, people can tell. They can smell it." ~ Tracy Beavers.


In this episode, Tracy talks about:

  • The challenges she faced venturing into the online space as an entrepreneur

  • How to effectively get engagements and visibility using organic efforts


[1:00] Introducing the guest

[3:45] Tracy's journey into the business and visibility space

[7:40] Challenges in the way of starting

[9:00] Fully utilizing your profile

[15:20] The struggles Tracy's client goes through

[16:49] Steps to gain visibility

[23:45] How to get engagements on your Facebook groups

[30:00] How to master the art of engagement through Facebook live videos

[32:23] "Authenticity is essential but invisible to the eye."


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Links Mentioned in This Episode:


A simple framework for women coaches to create content that attracts and sells

A content planner for women coaches to set up your marketing goals and track your progress and gives you a content framework so you know what to write, speak and create conversations that result in predictable outcomes without the overwhelmed.


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