#59: How to gain visibility via media outreach?


Ever wonder how others are getting featured and what you can do to gain visibility through media outlets?

In this episode, Publicist Chandra Gore joins me in sharing tips of a publicist on ways and get yourself out there and be seen, heard, and build your authority for your coaching business.

Chandra Gore works with entrepreneurs and individuals to create foundations for success and understand how to gain visibility via media outreach with her boutique consulting and public relations firm, Chandra Gore Consulting.

Adding Host, Media Correspondent, and Moderator to her resume Chandra brings her wit, unique comedic timing, laughter, and bubbly personality to the scene.

Her personal brand - Conversations with Chan includes a podcast, YouTube series, and publication.

Her slogan, "Conversations Begin with A Smile" leads the way as she begins every endeavor with a smile. She is the author of several books, Event Moderator, and speaker on topics such as Business Strategies, Media Relations, and Entrepreneurship.

Along with her own, Conversations with Chan on Medium.com, she is also a contributing writer for such publications as Pretty Women Hustle and SwagHer Magazine.

Ready to launch your course but struggling with getting yourself out there to market your service? Get Your Episode Delivered To Your Inbox with weekly updates on creating content to get your coaching business seen, heard, and hired!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Chandr’s tips on how to get started with your media outreach

  • What you need to prepare in order to be featured

  • Where you can pitch your offer

Click Here To Listen


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Links Mentioned in This Episode:


#60: How to do more with your email marketing?


#58: What you need to know about course creation?