#68: How To Conduct An Effective Sales Call with Kendra Perry?


Ever get that feeling towards the end of your discovery call, this dark cloud starts rolling in and you’re feeling it in your gut. You know your coaching program is going to help this client tremendously and things would be different for her IF AND ONLY IF she gives you the opportunity to become her coach?

That final moment came, and your passion is on fire and your desire is burning. But when it comes to closing a sales call, you’ve always seemed to drop the ball. That feeling of you’re selling a program to someone, just doesn’t really sit with a servant’s heart of wanting to make an impact and be the change in someone else’s life. Here’s what you also noticed is that your bank account is shrinking and money is slowly getting away from you but you have no way to balance what’s going out vs what is coming in.

Is this you?


Something I had to learn when I was growing my coaching business is that my own money mindset will get into the way of how I conduct a sales call with my potential clients. Back in the day when I was a life and mindset coach, I remember sitting toward the end of a sales call, my prospective client felt the shift and the possibility of how coaching could change her life, but suddenly the ball dropped as I stuttered in sharing my program pricing with her. I hesitated and paused before I talked about the investment that she had to make. Finally, to get through this awkward moment, I rushed to the end and barely touched her next step to work with me. Want to hear more stories of how to grow your coaching business and turn your passion for coaching into a profitable business that reaches? Get your podcast episode delivered to your inbox

Kendra is a former multiple 6-figure Functional Health Coach turned online business strategist for health & wellness coaches and practitioners. She is on a mission to stop health coaches from being broke AF by helping them build BOOMING 6-figure businesses that they love. She has helped hundreds of coaches grow their practices, attract consistent clients and blow up their bank accounts.

She is the creator of the Health Coach Accelerator™, which turns scared, scattered, and self-conscious coaches into confident, focused, and high-performing health entrepreneurs. She is also the founder of the Group Program Academy which teaches coaches to scale their income and impact with online group coaching programs. In addition, Kendra is one of the World’s top experts in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis; a functional test that analyzes the mineral content of the hair.

She founded the top practitioner training program on the planet, HTMA Expert, which has trained over 350 practitioners in 27 different countries. Kendra has been featured in Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global, CEO Blog Nation, and Authority Magazine for her expertise in sales. When she isn’t getting fired up about business & marketing, you will find her indulging in her love of adrenaline sports in the remote mountains of beautiful British Columbia, Canada.

In this episode, you will learn:

  1. Kendra’s Journey of What Inspired Her To Start Her Coaching Business

  2. How do you market your sales call and how does it affect the effectiveness of your sales call?

  3. How to introduce your coaching program during a sales call?

  4. The importance of a balance health and wealth lifestyle for coaches

We love to hear from you, drop your thoughts and comment to tell us about your experience on sales calls. What worked, what can be done differently.


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Links Mentioned in This Episode:



An easy-to-follow guide for heart-centered, introverted women coaches that will help you articulate your unique selling proposition and craft a message that speaks to your dream clients.


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