Episode #47 How to connect with your potential Soulmate Client?

Ever wonder how to actually connect with your ideal client on social media without sounding like you are salsey or spammy? Do you ever get that pop in your DM from a stranger you just received a social media request?

In the old days, marketing for your business is easy. There’s not a whole lotta competition going on to win the heart of your audience. I remember growing up, I can probably name all 5 top brand shampoo on the market.

Nowadays, you go to the shop, you get information overloaded with things people are selling to you. The world is changing and you need to change too.

A few days ago, I received an email, a text, a DM, and a Linkedin request from a business coach. I understand his intention, but his strategy and tactic are obviously not working for me.

I replied in a very loving way.

“Thanks for reaching out but I am not in the market for this.” Thinking that he would get it. Right? Nope! He went on…ask me about my goals. While persistence is the key, when persistency is matched with an old and overused marketing strategy, it makes sense why you aren’t getting a good result with cold pitches.

Well…let me just tell you what my inner voice is saying pop in at this point.

“Why, Thank you…my business is quite well. I’m well too, I tried to stay healthy, even though lately, I kind of worry that when the cold weather kick in, I might catch the flu bugs or something.

But in case you are also interested, let me just tell you a little bit about myself so you have a better understanding of me.

I’m pretty sure that’s not the reason why you asked me about my business nor are you interested to hear about my everyday thing but I thought maybe you would like to get to know me more before you ask me about my business or my goals. What do you say? ”

Yup! True story.

I get these old fashion way of marketing strategy tactics all the time. It may have worked years ago when businesses aren’t utilizing social media as a way to expand their business reach.

Sending someone with a cold opening sends your audience with a vibe that you want something and this is your way of getting something from me.

In this episode, you will learn:

  1. How to connect with your potential clients using DM on social media

  2. Important Tips to remember to get yourself noticed by recent friend request

  3. Steps you should take after you friend someone who might be your ideal client

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Every once in a while we all need an extra dose of inspiration from someone else who had been on this journey to remind us that we can do this! “I’ve done it, and so can you!”

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:


Episode #48 Be More Giraffe With Elliot Kay


Episode #46 The 3 Top Mistakes New Coach Made in Transition to Full Time Coach and How To Avoid Them?