Episode #46 The 3 Top Mistakes New Coach Made in Transition to Full Time Coach and How To Avoid Them?

What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

Personally, I would love to say “Start Early! Stay focused!”

The truth is life doesn’t happen this way, neither will your business heroic journey. The path that you take in life and in business consists of lights and shadows. The story of this heroic path is about saying YES to the mistakes we have made in life and saying YES to yourself. In doing so, we become fully alive and more effective in this world.

Flashback to 5 years ago when I first came home from my Machu Picchu hike, I was sitting across my two supervisors one day to hear their verdict on an internal position interview and it hit me. I knew what my true calling was, and what I was put on this earth to do. And I knew I couldn’t spend another minute feeling that my future really depends on someone else to call the shots.

  • I was done being told that I'm not good enough for a position.

  • I was done allowing myself to talk myself out of doing things

  • I was done not getting the love I deserve, the person who I was meant to be.

So next, I had to figure out how I was going to do in order to fulfill my purpose.

First, I got on the internet (yep, the internet!) and I started to google "Life Coach". A term that was foreign to me but heard from a friend who was looking to work with one. Then I read through several programs out there and the description as well as what my tuition was going to be. The next thing you know I got on a call with the iPEC coaching admission coach and I was soooo ready to commit that I signed up the same day! (SO READY!)

5 years later and I am helping another woman coach to tell their story of what brought them here in order to spread the magic that coaching had done for me. I used to feel alone in helping one client at a time, but now I'm able to help more coaches so she can be the rock that spreads more ripple.

It all came from one moment, one decision, one action.

Along this journey, I had a number of mishaps that I wish I had known to make this journey of starting a coaching business a lot easier for myself.

In this episode, you will learn…

  1. My top 3 mistakes made in starting my coaching business and how to avoid them.

  2. Why I believe having a defined story of your brand will save you a lot of time.

  3. Things to watch out for on your coaching journey as you start building your practice.

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Every once in a while we all need an extra dose of inspiration from someone else who had been on this journey to remind us that we can do this! “I’ve done it, and so can you!”

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:


Episode #47 How to connect with your potential Soulmate Client?


Episode #45 When the world, I shift with Ledi Vokshi