What to do when you have no idea what to do with life?

A long time ago, I found myself in this situation: I had failed miserably. Repeatedly. I've experienced the gut-wrenching sensations which come along with failure. I didn’t just fail professionally. I failed at everything. I felt betrayed by my friends, the relationship was non-existing and the conflagration of failure consumed every aspect of my emotions, finances, and mentality.

I absolutely hate the state of feeling lost in life. It’s as though you’re moving from one point to the next, unsure of what’s around the next bend, too afraid to take the next step. And, when you do take a step, you feel queasy and sick to your stomach.

Clearly, life isn’t easy. It will beat you down. So you can’t expect to live on the easy street all the time. However, it does get easier going forward.

Here are some tips to remember as we begin this week:

1. You don't have to figure out the whole future

There’s an Unknown Knowing that simple exist in our life. While you may not know many things right now, know that things will always find their way to your knowing. Take a step back and let the Universe show you the way.

2. Get comfortable with the discomfort.

Something that I learned during pandemic while upgrading speaking skill is that I challenge you to take a cold shower. This will help you to get comfortable with your discomfort.

3. Life is uncertain, go with the flow. Never expect life to be the way you expected. Leave room for excitement. Leave room for grief. Leave room for things that shows up unexpectedly.

4. Find a Mentor who can provide you some guidance, word of advice. Switch it up once in a while to get the full benefit from all those around you who come into your life.

The most important thing to remember when trying to figure out what to do with your life is that no action is an action in and of itself. You must make decisions and try things — even if you end up hating them or wanting to do something else. 😉




The hardest thing to do in life

