Want a different life?

There are many factors that influence our motivation in everyday life. When you get up in the morning, how enthusiastic are you in getting on with your day? Do you tend to stay in bed longer simply you dread to go to work? see someone? or maybe just the act of getting out of bed is challenging?

In 2016, I was tired of living my life like that. I was not happy at work. I felt burnt out, I don't feel inspired and I find myself angry all the time. I read books, tons of them. I listen to podcasts, watching youtube were people share their success stories on how they become happier, wealthier in their life. But when I look at mine, I have nothing compared to them. So the question I had to ask many times was "Why can't I be normal?"

And, then comes a change.

I have learned that in order for anyone to live a life they dream. Knowing what you want is not good enough. You have to put it into action. You can to get up and be willing to do some scary things, even if that scary thing means getting into your car and go to the grocery.

You have to get up and do that one thing that makes it different from all your other days because if you don't you will continue to live in a "groundhog day".

One of the biggest influencers in my transformation is a physical influencer. I was extremely unhappy about the way I look. I didn't like my pictures being taken because I felt ashamed about my own body. I couldn't look into the mirror and love myself the way I should. But the biggest impact in my life also came from physical influencer. In 2016, I did something that was scary, that was out of the ordinary and it was the greatest part of my personal triumph.

I was tired of myself being tired of myself, I had a goal in mind: I am going to hike the Inca Trail. And in September 2016, I hiked the Inca Trail.

4 days of the trail, 26 miles (42 km)...with 2 pink arm crutches and numerous push up after push up on each step that was higher than the length of my legs. Many times, I got on my hands and knee and I crawled onto each step.

This is what I wrote in my book "Perfectly Normal: An Immigrant's Story of Making It in America":

"Every day we make choices to do or not do certain things. These choices have an effect that makes our lives more fulfilling or less fulfilling, more balanced, or less balanced, our process of living more effective or less effective.....I could have chosen to live my life in regret, resentment, disappointment, or struggle. Or I could choose to live my life with calm, clarity, confidence, love and fulfillment."

If you want a different life, then perhaps it is time to start by doing something different.


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