How to Save the World?

At the end of my speech on Sunday at the book signing event, a gentleman came up to me. He asked if he can have permission to share something with me. I was delighted. He said, a few years ago he was at another event and he had learned something that day.

His fingers in the air and he drew a horizontal imaginary line. The top of the line, he said, is 10% and that is what most people see. But below that line is the other 90% and that’s where the rest of us are.

This is a gentleman who is in his late mid 60's, grey hair, darker tanned skin, about 5 feet 6 with a beer belly sticking out, born and raised here in the US. He looks happy, content, and at ease.

I said to him. That is very true, isn’t it? Many of us walk around and we only see 10% of another person. What we don’t realize is that no matter how successful they look, we all have the 90% that others don’t see. And that is where our beauty lies.

We see what is in front of us and we perceive that is all there is. We see how big someone else's house is and we think it must be nice to be in a big house. We see others being successful in doing what they do, but rarely do we think about how much struggles or challenges they had to overcome in order to get to where they are.

And just as how we see all the positive, we also see the sadness in the world. We see the challenges in everyday life. We see the conflicts and war, social injustice and crime. We see the good and we see the bad, but thinking that is all that we see.

Yesterday, I had a brilliant conversation with a friend in Ukraine. He asked what is the story behind my story?

I pause and thought about it. If I need to sum up in one sentence or less, I believe it would be this: Love & Compassion.

We all know the world needs more love and compassion, but rarely do we know-how. Everyone has the ability to bring love and compassion into this world, but the question is how?

As you go through your struggles or challenges this week, start to believe that you have the ability to love & be compassionate towards others. And you do so by letting go of your judgments: the good and bad, black and white.

Learn how to love yourself and appreciate your own flaws. By learning who you are, what ability do you have, and what makes up to your 90% of beautiful, is the only way we can save our humanity.

So, take a moment today to see yourself and your 90% of “#Beautiful ”.

Imagine yourself as the Universe on a microcosmic level, in order to have peace for the world, it is pertinent we make peace right here within our hearts.


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