The 3 Principles for Unshakeable Confidence

Have you ever watched "The Wizard of Oz"? 

This is one of my favorite old-time stories. During some of the most challenging life in my life, I kept thinking about the yellow brick road and I thought if I just kept walking and staying on it maybe this journey might take me somewhere. How 'bout you? Did you feel the same way too? 

Yesterday, I was invited to speak at the Rotary Club here in Monrovia, California. The topic I spoke on was "The Hero from Within." (Hence the reason why I named my Facebook group "The Confidence Lab for Remarkably Courageous People" because I believe we are all heroes in our lives.) This is one of my signature speech where I speak about the hero that is alive inside every one of us right now as you read this email. I know it sounds a bit egotistic, but If there's anything I can share with you that had changed my life, it would be I want everyone to think of themselves as a hero or a leader for lack of better term. 

You were born with this potential and you have every ability to lead. 

And whether you see it right now or not, you are in fact a leader in your life. Those who surround you look up to you in some way. It could be your son or daughter, it would be your colleague who really appreciated your skills with word doc or excel spreadsheets. It's something so small that you didn't even realize you were leading at all. 

Every one of us has this image of who we want to be when we grow up. For me, it was me wearing a pair of high heel shoes. Just like the one in "The Wizard of Oz."

It is the image of me wearing this pair of beautiful ruby slippers and I’m walking down the street with grace, with ease, and with confidence. When I step into this pair of ruby slippers, it would make me more Magical. 

Now, for some of you, this might be very different.
This is image might have been someone you look up to, this is someone who gives you the sense of “I wish I can do that!”, “I want to be like her” or “I want what she has.” This is someone who sparked that fire inside of you and you believe you can be anything in the world if you can just be like her and have what she has. There’s a seed inside of you that speaks to you deep inside of your heart and you actually believe in yourself that someday if you work hard enough. Many of us that someday never came. 
Instead, we convince ourselves to live in a cookie-cutter life where we feel we need to meet everyone else’s agenda and living to fulfill other expectations. We spend more time trying to make it, than actually making it.
Here is what I believe and you may not agree with me right now because you haven't found your Ruby Slippers yet and that's ok! There are 3 things you need to create a life with unshakeable confidence or feel almighty as if you step into your Ruby Slippers.

When you step into your Magical Ruby Slippers, you step into the power and success. You feel like life suddenly went from Nessarosa who was trapped into a wheelchair into the Wicked Witches of the West.

This pair of Ruby Slippers probably has an unbeatable price, comfort, and this is THE one pair that will take you far on your life journey.  This pair is going to give you so much confidence that you will wake up every morning and loving your life. You are free of doubt, anxiety, and the feeling that somehow, somewhere I am failing at something. You begin to believe in yourself because you had this good pair of shoes on your feet. And those 3 things are what I call them the ABC of our lives: 

  1. Authenticity

  2. Bravery

  3. Connection

Over the last three years of my coaching, these are my 3 unshakeable values that I hold to myself and what I help my clients to see within themselves. Are you being true to yourself? Do you have the courage to embrace the fear and how connected are you to who you are being? 

These are the power that has already been given to us; these are the power that makes us Magicial just like that pair of Ruby Slippers. 


How to break the circle of thought patterns?


3 Principles to Love, Spirituality, Abundance