3 Principles to Love, Spirituality, Abundance

  • You are stupid.

  • You’ll never be successful.

  • No one appreciates how hard you work.

  • You are under too much pressure; you can’t handle stress.

  • He doesn’t care about you.

  • Don’t be vulnerable, you’ll just get hurt.

  • I’m not where I should be for my age.

  • I’m not good enough.

These are the examples of the voice in your head or many times known as our inner critics. we all have this critical voice in our heads constantly speaking to us.

We wake up in the morning and think our hair is too messy, our eyebrows too thin, our ears too big, our hands are too small, our bank account doesn’t have enough money, our colleagues too lazy, and the list goes on and on. There is that sense of inadequacy, not being good enough, being shy to speak up in front of people, being afraid of sharing pain, believing you are the only one feeling it this way.

You may be looking at a beautiful dress, wishing you had the body to wear it. You may have always wanted to be a writer, but you feel you’re not good at writing. You have a dream, but you think you’re not good enough for your dream. We keep searching, but we are lost. Whether you are a scientist, an artist, a chief executive officer at a large company, a mom, a wife, or a daughter... having someone tell us we are beautiful or talented is not something we can easily believe.  When you don’t believe in loving yourself, there is no love to draw from within. But why? Why is it hard for us to believe what we have heard? Why is it hard for us to accept ourselves for who we are? Why is it so hard to love and be honest with ourselves?

Negative thought patterns are like a paper cut you keep getting when you have only a vague idea of what’s causing it. Or maybe you don’t notice the cut at all… until it starts to sting.⁠ Each person, depending on their condition and triggers, will require different approaches to medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.⁠In order to silence these negative self-talk, there are 3 basic steps you'll have to practice first: ⁠1. Recognizing and be able to catch your own thought patterns. ⁠2. Learn to see your beauty, strength, talents, and gifts. Embrace all of you and all around you. ⁠3. Make a move. Decide where to go, what to do from where you are. ⁠

When you are stress-free, aware, and accepting of things as they are, able to see the possibilities available to you, and you have processes for making decision both on long- and short-term bases, you’ll be able to make conscious choices based on the best information available to you.⁠Being confident and willing to make choices is an important skill. It can change your life in dramatic ways. A bold decision is the one taken by a person with lots of courage. Taking a bold decision is like driving into a path which others scare to do. A person who believes in themselves without relying on others will be able to take bold decisions. ⁠.A bold decision may or may not be advantageous. BUT remember that it is taken with full courage. ⁠

Finding ways to put a brake on how you retain and process all your information silently in your mind is a great way to learn the skills of stopping those automatic negative thoughts. Our automatic negative thoughts typically came from an experience we had from the past that led to trigging an emotion we are feeling right now. ⁠The break has to do with how you experience things in life. If you can generate a different experience for yourself then you will be able to learn a new emotion that is associated with this experience. This is the first step to creating freedom and stepping into our own true authenticity in life.

I believe life is a full circle, what we choose to believe in our lives is in the center of how we view this world. Around this circle of Believe lies three fundamental principles: your authenticity, your courage, and your connectivity.

As you go through life, what are the most important values you have in your life? How are you choosing to honor your values, do you have the courage to ask, believe, and receive? How connected are you to your unapologetically true self and your relation to others?

These are the elements we all need to cultivate in our lives and these are the elements that will keep you stay on focus in an unstoppable mindset. This is how you silence your negative thoughts and live In love, spirituality, and abundance.


The 3 Principles for Unshakeable Confidence


How to live with your self-talk?