How to break the circle of thought patterns?

What time did you get up this morning? What’s your routine like? What have you done differently and more purposefully than yesterday? 

This is life, or is it? 

We believe life is a cycle. Everyone lives through this cycle every day, every hour, every second. This very much feels like we are living in our reality show and if we were to write a script or story with this, it can almost seem identical to everyone we know. 

We get up, feeling grumpy while thinking it must have been an age thing. We finally made it to the shower, but just as you reach for the shampoo, you noticed that you ran out of Shampoo. There goes your thought thinking “Oh, man! Who left an empty bottle here? Who does that? What are they thinking? Now what? Fine! I’ll just wash without it.”

Nonetheless, you made it out of the shower, and you thought about what your friends said to you yesterday. You thought it was hilarious and so you laugh. You head over to the kitchen, to start brewing your first cup of coffee but before you could get to the coffee machine, you stepped on your kid’s lego and it hurts like sh*t. You thought, “why do I have to be the one keep picking things up for them. When are they going to learn?”

The list goes on and on and on and on. Researches had shown that on average we go through 65,000 thoughts per day the moment you open your eyes. If you are a movie critics for one second and give your reality show a rating, what would it be? Who is going to watch? What message would you want people to walk away from your reality? 

Don’t you feel like a little hamster running on an endless wheel? Can you just be honest with yourself for one second? Is this how you want to feel for the rest of your time on this planet?

this makes perfect sense why many of us feel burned out after work, come home and become addicted to television, alcohol, drug, social media, anger, depression, anxiety, etc. This is how life is, right? But here's what people won't tell you is that this is not what life is. Life is exciting, it is mysterious, it is fun, it is painful sometimes and there are lots of struggles, but if you were to keep an open mind and continuously seeing life as a learning experience rather than a consequence of lack of choices, your outcome may be completely different. You'll be more engaging at work, you'll probably still get angry and frustrated when things don't go the way you want them to but you take it less personal and with a touch of humor. you see the silver lining than the silver knife to cut you every time you fail. 

Here’s what I want you to do: 
Take out a piece of paper and make three columns on this paper. Make a list of all the things you would love to do in the first column. Next to this, write the reason you haven’t been able to do them. On the third column, write what you CAN do to fix what you put down in column 2. When you finished all three columns, circle one that is the most important to you right now in your life. Now, do what you said in column 3 for the next 30 days.

Ok! There’s your solution to how to stop being a hamster on a wheel. But what are you going to doing about it? Option 1: Get back on your wheel and be content with being a hamster on a wheel. Option 2: Try it for 30 days because what do you get to lose? After all, you have been running around in a circle this whole time, what if doing something differently can get you off the circle like a little hamster without a purpose? 




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