Which Social Media Platform Is Best For Life Coaches?


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If you’re a coach trying to grow your business online, you’ve probably asked yourself these two questions countless times:

  1. What is the best platform to find coaching clients?

  2. How long does it take to get my first paying client?

It’s challenging for many coaches to break through on social media, even when they’re consistently posting and creating valuable content. One of the biggest hurdles is the sheer volume of information competing for attention. In the coaching space, you’re up against countless other experts who are all trying to capture the same audience’s focus. Algorithms are constantly changing, making it difficult to understand how to get your content seen by the right people at the right time.

Additionally, the lack of immediate feedback can be disheartening. You might not see instant results, which can lead to feelings of self-doubt or the assumption that your strategies aren’t working. This often leads to the temptation of jumping from one platform to another, constantly tweaking your approach without giving any single strategy enough time to truly gain traction.

There’s also the challenge of creating the right type of content that resonates with your ideal clients. It’s not just about posting consistently but making sure your message speaks directly to the people you want to attract. For many new coaches, it takes time to figure out their voice, messaging, and unique positioning, which can make the process feel even more difficult and discouraging.

These challenges, combined with the pressure to succeed quickly, can lead to burnout and frustration, leaving many coaches questioning if they are even on the right path.

But here’s the good news: there’s hope!

If you’re feeling stuck, discouraged, or wondering if all your hard work will ever pay off, you’re not alone. Many successful coaches have walked this exact path before finding their breakthrough. The key is understanding that success doesn’t happen overnight—and with a bit of guidance, you can turn things around.

Finding Coaching Clients: What’s the Best Platform?

One of the biggest misconceptions among new coaches is the belief that their ideal clients are only found on specific platforms.

You might think, “My clients are professionals, so I need to be on LinkedIn,” or “Everyone is on Instagram, so that’s where I need to be.” But this kind of thinking often leads to burnout, frustration, and spreading yourself too thin.

The truth is, your ideal clients are most likely on the same platforms that you already enjoy using.

Think about it—if you’re active on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, chances are your potential clients are there too. These platforms have millions (if not billions) of users from all walks of life, including those who would benefit from your coaching services. The key isn’t about finding some “magic” platform where all your clients hang out; it’s about selecting a platform where you feel comfortable and can consistently show up.

When you choose a platform you already enjoy using, you’re more likely to create authentic, engaging content without feeling like it’s a chore. If you love scrolling through Instagram, or feel more natural interacting on Facebook, that’s where you’ll thrive in connecting with your ideal clients. The key is to be consistent. Consistency in your posts, stories, and interactions builds trust, visibility, and client attraction over time. Showing up regularly tells your audience that you’re serious, reliable, and genuinely invested in helping them, which is what ultimately turns followers into clients.

Key Takeaway: Don’t spread yourself too thin across multiple platforms, thinking that your clients are “only” on LinkedIn or “only” on Instagram. Pick the platform that feels most natural and where you can be consistent.

Building Relationships: How to Convert Followers Into Clients

Once you’ve chosen your platform, the next step is to focus on building relationships. This is where many coaches go wrong. They assume that posting great content and encouraging people to book calls will naturally lead to conversions. While valuable content is essential, it’s not enough.

You need to engage with your audience on a deeper level.

Building genuine relationships takes time. This means showing up for your audience beyond your sales pitches. Ask them about their challenges, offer helpful advice, and show that you genuinely care about their success. It’s this connection that turns followers into paying clients.

People don’t just buy coaching services—they buy trust. They want to feel like you understand their struggles and that you’re the best person to help them overcome their challenges. By building authentic relationships, you position yourself as someone they can trust when they’re ready to make an investment in coaching.

“Build Trust First, Then Focus on the Sale”

When you build trust with your audience, you eliminate the pressure to sell. Instead of posting, “Book a call with me” every day, you can focus on sharing helpful insights, engaging in meaningful conversations, and being present for your followers. When they’re ready to take that next step, they’ll know exactly where to find you.

Key Takeaway: Don’t focus solely on selling. Focus on building trust and relationships. People will invest in your coaching services when they feel that connection.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Paying Client?

This is one of the most challenging questions to answer because, honestly, it varies from person to person. Some coaches land their first client within a week of launching their business, while others take several months or even longer. The truth is, it depends on a number of factors, including your niche, how consistently you show up, and how well you’re able to build relationships with your audience.

The Client Journey: Why It Takes Time

Think about your own decision-making process.

When you recognize a problem, you don’t immediately hire someone to solve it. You might spend weeks or months researching solutions, consuming free content, and trying to solve the issue on your own. Eventually, when you realize you need expert help, you reach out for support. Your potential clients are going through the same process.

Before someone invests in coaching, they need to feel confident that you’re the right person to help them. They’ll consume your free content, read your posts, and watch your videos for a while before they’re ready to take action. That’s why showing up consistently is so important—when they’re ready to invest in coaching, they’ll already know who you are, what you offer, and how you can help.

Some clients will be ready to hire you right away, while others might follow you for months or even years before deciding to work with you. Your job is to keep showing up so that when they’re ready, they’ll know exactly where to find you.

Focus on the Journey, Not the Timeline

Instead of stressing about how long it will take to get a client, focus on the journey. How can you continue to show up in a way that builds trust and provides value? The more consistent and engaging you are, the more likely you are to attract clients—whether it takes a few weeks or a few months.

Key Takeaway: The timeline for getting your first paying client varies, but your job is to stay visible, consistent, and engaged. Trust the process, and clients will come.

Ready to Take Your Coaching Business to the Next Level?

If you’re tired of feeling stuck and want to attract more coaching clients, it’s time to start showing up in a bigger way. Don’t get discouraged by how long it’s taking—focus on consistently providing value, building relationships, and being present on your platform of choice.

If you want to dive deeper into how to attract clients and build your marketing strategy, I’m hosting the Visibility Marketing Bootcamp. This bootcamp will teach you how to show up on the right platforms, attract your ideal clients, and grow your coaching business.

Final Takeaways:

  • Pick the platform where you can be most consistent.

  • Focus on building relationships, not just sales.

  • Be patient—clients will come when they’re ready, and your job is to stay visible.

 Female Coaches: Building a profitable coaching business?

3 Steps To Get Seen, Get Heard, and Get Paying Client

What You'll Learn In This FREE Bootcamp: 

  • How to market and attract the clients you really want 

  • How to confidently answer what you do and who you serve 

  • How to have a consistent flow of paying clients by avoiding these common mistakes


#196: Boundaries for Success: How New Coaches Can Build a Sustainable Business


#195: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Reclaiming Your Identity as a New Coach