#195: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Reclaiming Your Identity as a New Coach

In this episode of Make It Visible, we tackle the all-too-common challenge of Imposter Syndrome that many newbie coaches face.

For many female coaches just starting out, Imposter Syndrome is more than just occasional self-doubt. It’s a persistent fear that they aren’t qualified enough, knowledgeable enough, or deserving enough to coach others. This fear often stems from a mix of social, environmental, and financial pressures, as well as internalized beliefs about what it means to step into this new role. The high standards they set for themselves can further intensify these feelings.

The struggle becomes even more daunting when they compare themselves to more established coaches who seem to have it all figured out. Social media, with its curated perfection, only magnifies this comparison, leading many to question their own worth and capabilities. As a result, they may start to feel like a fraud, constantly worrying that their clients or peers will "find out" that they aren't as competent as they appear to be.

This fear can cause them to lose sight of who they truly are and what they genuinely have to offer. Instead of embracing their unique strengths and experiences, they might try to conform to an idealized version of a "successful" coach, which only deepens their feelings of inadequacy.

If you're feeling this way, listen; you're not alone. Just when you think you’ve kicked Imposter Syndrome to the curb after years of personal development work, it somehow finds its way back in.

In this episode of the Make It Visible podcast, we'll explore how Imposter Syndrome creeps in, why it often leads to an identity crisis, and, most importantly, how to break free from it.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding how Imposter Syndrome manifests in new coaches and why it often leads to self-doubt and insecurity.

  2. Recognizing the ways in which trying to "fit in" can cause a loss of personal identity in your coaching business.

  3. Practical steps to reconnect with your authentic self, overcome Imposter Syndrome, and build confidence as a coach.

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:

3 Steps To Get Seen, Get Heard, And Get Paying Clients: Visibility Marketing Bootcamp


Which Social Media Platform Is Best For Life Coaches?


How to Use Instagram’s Latest Updates to Attract More Coaching Clients