#196: Boundaries for Success: How New Coaches Can Build a Sustainable Business

Feeling overwhelmed or afraid to say "no"? You’re not alone!

In this episode, we’ll cover the common boundary challenges new coaches face, like the fear of disappointing clients or feeling like you need to over-deliver to prove your worth.

As a coach, you’re guiding others to live their best lives, but if you’re constantly drained or overwhelmed, how can you show up fully for them? In fact, boundaries are not just for your benefit—they model healthy, balanced behavior for your clients as well.

Setting clear boundaries is crucial because, without them, you run the risk of overextending yourself, compromising your personal life, and even resenting the very clients you want to help.

If you want to avoid burnout, foster healthier relationships with your clients, and create a coaching practice that feels good, this episode is exactly what you need. Tune in and learn how to set boundaries that serve both you and your business!

Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  1. Why setting boundaries is vital for protecting your energy and ensuring long-term business success.

  2. Common boundary challenges for new coaches, including over-delivering and fear of disappointing clients.

  3. Practical tips to set clear boundaries from the start and maintain them with confidence.

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Every once in a while, we all need an extra dose of inspiration from someone else who has been on this journey to remind us that we can do this! “I’ve done it, and so can you!”

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:

3 Steps To Get Seen, Get Heard, And Get Paying Clients: Visibility Marketing Bootcamp


Which Social Media Platform Is Best For Life Coaches?