How to feel happier daily?

Do you find yourself just going through the motions every day? Perhaps it’s just the “same story, different day” kind of life you are living? If that’s the case, then right now—not tomorrow or next week or the new year—is the time to start changing your story.

Here's how I see it: Happiness isn’t a destination, because every one of us defines happiness very differently.

When I'm feeling particular down, my go-to method to feeling better is to turn on the radio and listen to a very sad song, write in my journal or lose myself in an intense cardio workout. But your happy place might be through a computer screen or cooking in the kitchen, calling someone who listens to you. The trick to being happy every single day is to figure out what sort of activities, music, and the like bring you the most joy in life.

Happiness is a much longer, deeper journey, and it can be a lot more rewarding. Being happy is a daily decision, and just like any other habit, you have to internalize it, which requires constant commitment.

People who practice being at peace and experiencing happy moments every day are able to overcome all the other challenges life brings on: relationships, work, family, etc. When people feel happy, they tend to be optimistic, energetic, and self-confident, which leads to other people finding them more pleasant, sociable, and reliable. Happiness is like a cute little disease or virus that floats around us. When we’re around positive, grateful, enthusiastic people, we “catch” their special energy. What’s even better, is that it makes the day spent with them more enjoyable, more rewarding, and even more productive. These aspects broaden your opportunities to do business, achieve objectives successfully, create or develop new things, make more friends, meet that special someone, and more.

Knowing that happiness can be good for us in so many ways, Why does it sometimes seem so hard to be happy? While you may get stuck in the pursuit of happiness, there is some good news about this. Happiness is something you can choose and decide to make a commitment to. The ability to change our thoughts, moods, and, in effect, lives lies in the power of positive thinking, here are some tips on how we can change our mindset and discover greater happiness from within. 

  1. Interrupt your negative thought patterns. We all have negative thought thinking patterns from time to time, but if you can change your thoughts, you can change your life. One of the easiest tactics for transforming your mindset is to interrupt it. If you notice you're bombarded by stressful thoughts, go for a walk, help someone with a problem or play with your pet and see if you feel your mood shift.

  2. Get your body moving. It's tough to have a positive mindset if you're running on little sleep, no exercise, and a steady diet of burgers and chocolate bars. By ensuring that you incorporate a healthy lifestyle, engage in routine exercise, and get adequate sleep, you'll build resilience to life's hardships—and you'll probably feel better about yourself overall, which is another key component of positive thinking.

  3. Practice Gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal, take a few minutes each day to think of three things you're grateful for, or compliment other people to show appreciation. Focus on activities that will nourish gratitude for the blessings you've already been granted.

  4. Take time to practice meditation & mindfulness. Find moments to be reflective and pay attention to the ‘now' as you navigate everyday tasks. Spending quiet time focusing on breathing or completing guided meditations is one way to train your reactive mentality—the one that jumps to conclusions and is quick to react—to pause before acting and can promote greater emotional intelligence and a profound sense of calm.

  5. Let Go of Your Past. The only way to truly move on and to feel content in life requires you to let go of your past. Whether you’ve made mistakes or even have regret, remember that life moves on and allows you to move forward with it, too.

Sometimes when we realize our life is different from someone else’s, it can make us question whether or not we’re doing the right thing or if it’s the best for us. 

In life though, there really aren’t mistakes. Every time we fail, we learn. With every mistake, we get smarter, we come to know ourselves better and realize what we really want. Every moment in the past has led us up to this one right here. Life is a journey, happiness is something we experience along the way, it is not a destination, but with the right amount of positive thinking, let go of our self-doubt and worries, and finally, through a commitment to intentional living, happiness is not only accessible but also attainable.


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