10 questions to ask yourself every month

A few days ago I was in a podcast interview, the host asked me when it comes to being productive how do I set up my goals? "The same way I teach my clients set up their goals" I replied. “And here is how I break it down. The 10-year goal, 5-year goal, 1-year goal, 6-month goal, 3-month goal, 1-month goal, and finally 2 weeks goal.”

One might wonder, why 2 weeks goal? Here is the reason behind why you would want to break your goals into 2 weeks goal. Studies had suggested that for any habit to form, you need at least 28 days to form habit, 2 weeks gives you half of what you need to accomplish. It might take you one week to start and once you begin, you might need time to adjust and make changes. Therefore having a goal set up at the 2 weeks mark allow you the time to adjust and refine things you need after one week mark.

No matter how far we are on this journey in life, there are always questions that swell around in our minds; they could be self-reflection questions, questions about life that makes you think, life questions to ask, questions to ask yourself to find out who you are or what direction you are headed in? They offer you opportunities to evaluate your life and how to make it better; they also help you unravel your potential, find your purpose, and find a balance in chaos.

Life changes at every point of survival and the need to adjust ourselves to its transition bring about growth and sometimes it is easy to lose our focus and fall short on this journey. Here are some empowering questions that you should ask yourself every month to ensure you stay on the course of your sail. 

These empowering questions to ask yourself are meant to tend to your inner voice and guide you through the struggle of survival and living. They also serve as self-empowering to motivate you in achieving your goals. 

  1. What was the best thing that happened last month?

  2. What have you learned about yourself last month?

  3. What are some areas in your life that are thriving, and why?

  4. What positive experience have you gained from last month?

  5. What is one area you would like to focus on this upcoming month?

  6. What can you draw from the experiences you had last month to help you in achieving goals this month?

  7. What are some of the possible obstacles that may come up this month?

  8. What resources do I have to move through these obstacles?

  9. What has brought you the most joy and the most challenge and how that shaped you this month?

  10. What is important to me this upcoming month and why?

Life has rough edges and learning through these twists and turns can be challenging but the ability to learn from failed routes makes you navigate better. When you lose the momentum to strive, shove your feet and ask the question- What is this experience teaching me?

Sometimes all we need is to question our inner narrative. Our minds are the gears to our body, we support the gear to move seamlessly, instead of worrying about what I couldn’t control, I shifted my energy to what I can create and the energy or vibration I give to the situation I experience and with time I started to grow. When self-awareness starts deepening, we begin to understand the influence of our accumulated experience, reclaim our power, and navigate through life with ease.

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