Why being humble is against the true essence of who you are?

There is one common belief across all religions, cultures, societies, and ways of life. No matter what culture or society you grew up from, being humble is one of the limiting beliefs and seldomly talk about when it comes to building a brand for your business.

Being humble is not going to help you pay your bills.

When you are being humble, there’s a sense of Oneness within you. As a coach, often time this is a great quality to have and often consider as a higher level of consciousness one desired to cultivate for their client. Humility is what brings people together in building a society where everyone is created equally. It can be defined as modesty, having a realistic or low view of yourself, and self-importance.

The problem, however, is that when you’ve been called to answer your purpose, you gotta step up and be confident about sharing it! Being Humble is the opposite of why you have this purpose.

Here’s a true story...on the first night on the Inca Trail, I was called to make a decision. Two choices lay in front of me, one is to go home and forget the whole trip, the other...let's just keep going even though at this point my wrists were hurting and I was certainly worried if I would be able to finish the trip at all.

As scared as I was...The fact that you have the opportunity to gift yourself joy, peace, gratitude, happiness...is so fucking incredible. It is LIBERATING!

"I am doing this, and there is no way you will stop me."

This, ladies, was the mindset that we are called upon when we decided enough is enough and I am heading out to start my own venture! This is the willpower you walked in and declared you have a business on this planet!

Whether you know it or not, your business is an inward process of being able to act or do something in your own way and it’s MEANT TO FUCKING BE!

After completing the Inca Trail...the following year I went on to conquer a third wonder of the world. I booked myself a ticket and flew across the pacific ocean on a 21-hour flight to Cambodia. By the time I was in Cambodia, I was done playing small and being humble.

I volunteered at a local school, teaching children English while visiting the Angkor Watt on the weekend with a bit of sightseeing.

My beautiful friends, you know when you will REALLY start helping? ...When you stop giving in and giving up to the fear. Yes, It's That Simple. Doesn't take much to figure this out.

Most of the work in your brave journey in life is a gift that doesn’t come from anyone but you.

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