Get Noticed: How to Craft Unforgettable Podcast Pitches with Nina Macari

You know what's a perfect match for an introvert like me? Podcasting. You may find it surprising, but let me tell you a little secret about my journey.

When I was just dipping my toes into the coaching biz, live-streaming felt like a high-octane energy drain. Sure, I did my fair share of it, but given a choice between that and some quality alone time - just me, my thoughts, and my trusty 'Do Not Disturb' sign - I’d pick the latter every time.

Can you relate?

If you're anything like me, and many of the introverted women coaches I've met, the thought of a larger audience can trigger those pesky self-doubts. But that's where podcasting changes the game.

Just imagine, you're in your cozy home office (or the 'CEO chair' as I love to call it), mic in hand, sharing your thoughts and insights. It's just you and the microphone, a comfortably private moment. And when you're ready, you release your episode into the world. Your knowledge, and your voice, are all out there for the taking, no high-energy performance is needed.

In short, podcasting can be an introvert's best friend. It's a way to share your wisdom, build a following, and do it all on your own terms. That's why I adore podcasting, and why I think you might, too.

How to Achieve Podcast Success?

In this episode, I'm joined by visibility wizard, Nina Macari, all the way from Romania.

Nina's mastered the art of helping her clients ace their podcast pitches, and she's a successful podcaster herself.

Isn't it just grand how we can connect in a one-on-one setting, with no distractions or interruptions?

There's something kind of magical about this intimate connection, this deep dive with a trusted colleague, all while maintaining our precious privacy.

And the best part? After our chat, we get to share it with you all.

The wisdom we've unearthed can then ripple out, helping even more people. So, get ready for a thrilling episode where Nina unveils her 3-step master plan for nailing a podcast pitch. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Nina is a superstar when it comes to helping female entrepreneurs elevate their visibility and bond with their dream clients through podcast interviews.

She's just the guide you need on this journey. As the brain behind the PITCH framework, Nina assists her clients in presenting themselves to the ideal podcasts, doing so with grace, assurance, and authentic flair.

After crafting and sending out hundreds of podcast pitches, Nina has honed in on the magic formula, the essential elements that make a pitch a winner.

Her clients rave about their success, and podcast hosts are equally impressed by her pitches.

Prep Your Message and Be Ready to Go

Nina's first piece of advice is all about preparation.

She emphasizes the importance of clarifying your message before stepping onto the podcast stage. Have you ever been hit with pitches like "Let's talk about entrepreneurship" or "What is love?" Well, those just don't cut it. Listeners crave specificity, not broad strokes.

Decide what you want to share, and yes, it should be one core message. But don't fret, this doesn't mean you can't explore various topic ideas under that overarching theme. Keep in mind, what do you want to be known for in the next three to five years? Today's passion might pivot in the future, and that's okay. The point is, you're putting your name out there as an expert in your field as it stands right now.

Remember, your unique experiences, solutions, and skills are exactly what your audience wants to hear about. Once you've nailed down your message, you can play around with catchy titles to present it attractively to potential podcast hosts.

But prepping your message isn't all. You'll also need some practical elements ready to go - think headshots, a bio, and even a one-sheet if you're feeling ambitious. Having these at hand will save you from panic when a host says "yes" to your pitch. You'll be all set to send everything they need without missing a beat. So, step one? Prep your message, gather your materials, and be ready to shine.

Ready to articulate your uniqueness but don’t know how to start? Get an easy-to-follow 5 steps to create your powerful core message that attracts and sells. A free guide for heart-centered, introverted women coaches that will help you articulate your unique selling proposition and craft a message that speaks to your dream clients.

Identify the Right Podcast and Start Reaching Out

The second step in Nina's guide is all about identifying the right podcast for you. Start with your ideal client in mind, and consider where they might be tuning in. Nina suggests that introverted entrepreneurs, like your listeners, might find it comfortable, to begin with people they already know.

You've got your audience, and you've got your topics, now start compiling a list. Maybe these connections don't have a podcast, but they could host Instagram Lives or have a Facebook group where they welcome guests. If your topic benefits their audience, they're likely to say yes. This is what Nina calls "warm outreach."

Next, you venture into "cold outreach," reaching out to hosts you don't yet know. Here, it's crucial that your topics align with the theme of their podcast. For instance, pitching an Instagram growth strategy to a host who has ditched Instagram won't work. Carefully read the podcast descriptions, get to know the host on social media, and ensure your topics align.

Finding the right podcasts can be a bit of a hunt. From Facebook groups to using platforms as search tools, there are resources out there to help. Remember your topics, and your audience, and then dive into the research. It might feel overwhelming at first, but you'll get the hang of it and develop a process with time, as Nina assures you. The more you do it, the better you'll get at it.

Tailor Each Pitch and Create a System That Works

The third and final step is all about tailoring each pitch.

It's crucial to make each pitch personal, as podcasters put a lot of effort into their shows. Show them respect by spending the time to personalize your pitch, and genuinely connect with them. Sending generic, copy-pasted emails just doesn't cut it.

If you follow them on social media, chances are you can find common ground and build your pitch around that. Once you've perfected your personalized pitch, it's time to create a system that works for you. Keep track of who you've pitched to, and when you plan to follow up. Nina recommends using a project management system to remind you of booking interviews and sending the required materials to podcasters.

Lastly, the cherry on top of it all is learning how to be a fantastic guest. That's the ultimate goal here. With these steps in place, you're well on your way to podcast pitch and interview success.

Perfecting Your Podcast Pitch

I’m thrilled to have had the chance to bring Nina Macari’s invaluable insights to you in this episode. Not only has she revealed her personal journey, but she's also shared a clear, actionable blueprint for podcast pitch and interview success.

Throughout this journey, we've unpacked Nina's three-step framework - a true gem for you, my fellow introverted female coaches, who are striving to enhance your visibility.

The key to a successful podcast pitch lies in prepping your message, identifying the right podcasts, and personalizing your pitch.

The success of a podcast pitch that results in generating traffic and gaining coaching client leads lies within a well-crafted, meaningful, and specific core message.

It's clear that your unique experiences, solutions, and skills are what your audience is yearning for.

In this episode, you’ve also discovered how to reach out to familiar faces and extend your network to hosts who align with our message. Nina emphasized the importance of aligning your topics with potential podcasts and having all the necessary elements at hand.

As always, a golden rule that determines your podcast pitch success is to be sure to tailor and personalize each of your pitches.

Generic emails or templates that you follow from someone else just simply won’t make the cut.

Authentic connection is key, and it starts with personalizing every pitch.

Let's take these lessons to heart and start crafting pitches that resonate deeply with podcast hosts. It's time for you to step into the light and make your coaching businesses not just visible, but truly unforgettable.

Share your thoughts in the comment below and let’s go get ‘em!

Links mentioned in this episode:


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