#89 Grow your business by growing yourself with Daniel Macca


As a new business owner, you probably feel like you're playing a big piece of the puzzle. There are so many pieces to this giant puzzle, and if you're out by yourself trying to figure this out, that might explain where all the overwhelm comes from.

You have to do the marketing, the sales, the operation, and the bookkeeping, and you are your EVERYTHING!

But what if...all you need to start is just growing yourself, and that is all it takes? Too good to be true?

The truth is, if you grow yourself and develop the right skills and mindset, everything else will start to fall into place. It's not a one-size-fits-all approach; it takes time, dedication, self-awareness, and hard work.

With a background in psychology and an MBA in organizational behavior, Daniel has a unique talent for helping individuals and organizations overcome internal and external blocks to success. Daniel knows first-hand how to overcome and manage challenges successfully.

He uses a combination of focusing strategies, awareness and reflection tools, action-based sequences, executive functioning mastery, and high accountability to ensure clients get ‘un-stuck’ and achieve massive results!

In this episode, Daniel talked about what he believes is the most essential first step for people who are starting out and have no idea where to go.

“So the first thing is always knowing what you want and learning, but I think it all comes down to knowing your craft. The first piece is to get as good as you can and then accept that you are as good as you are where you are and own it. So that comes to some confidence,” Daniel said.

When it comes to how do you market yourself, Daniel reminded the audience what he had learned from others: “What do you love doing? And I'm like, well, I don't know. I love talking to people, I love presenting, I love being on stage, that sort of thing. And they're like, well, that's your route for marketing yourself. What you love to do, you're going to do over and over again. And business is a numbers game. And I mean, it's as simple as that. If we just go to raw business, business is a numbers game. You gotta put yourself in front of enough people who know you exist to find the ones that wanna work with you.

Your journey toward personal growth and success is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, if you are committed to investing in yourself and prepared to put the work in, you can achieve amazing things. So don't be afraid to take that leap and start growing! Good luck on your journey toward success!

“Everything you've ever done in your life has led you to the point where you are now, and you just harness those same skills and do that.” - Daniel Macca

In this episode, you’ll discover….

  • What was it like to start a coaching business (the changes he’s noticed in this industry)

  • How do you "market" yourself?

  • What's something you wish you had known but didn't?

  • Where do you see our coaching industry heading in the next 3 -5 years?


[00:11:00] Daniel’s reflection on Ralph Emerson’s Quote

[00:15:29] What is the most essential first step for people who are starting?

[00:23:34] How do you market yourself

[00:27:04] The last word of advice


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