3 steps to ensure you are being true to yourself

Here is something every one of us does. We lose where we need to focus. Instead of focusing on what we do well, we have a tendency to focus on what’s not working well, what’s broken, what needed to be fixed. Many people are quite confused when it comes to the common expression “be your authentic self.”


How often have you felt that you need to go in search of your authentic self or try to BECOME something other than what you are? How often have you heard people say that being authentic is about loudly expressing your opinions 100% of the time without filters? Or that you should be completely unapologetic in all that you do? Or that there’s a certain formula you have to follow?

We are programmed to go from zero to sixty. But little did we know, life is perfect just as. Authenticity is not trying to BECOME something, it is about embracing yourself exactly as you are in the present moment. There is no need to chase any ideal ‘authentic’ self here. There’s no need to try and become “more” genuine or “more” real. Why? Because chasing authenticity only creates more suffering.

The Law of attraction teaches you to manifest into everyone and everything you want; think positively about things and therefore things will come to you abundantly. But there is a gap with that because what people don’t realize is the same time you are attracting the positive, you are also responsible for attracting the negatives. If for any reason subconsciously you are putting out the vibe or energy for anything at all, it will come to you, in a matter of time.

We are 💯 responsible for everything that happens around us.

Being your true self is about being exactly who you are, whatever the heck that looks like. It’s about understanding and accepting the fact that being flawed is perfectly fine. It’s about embracing all the ugliness, weirdness, and ‘defects’ inherent in your nature. It’s about working with your strengths and making peace with your weaknesses, and not trying to be anyone else.

Thankfully, you can strive to keep in touch with the inner truth of who you are no matter the external circumstance. Some approaches you might like and some approach you might not. Being true authentic self means you take what works for you, try it out, get a feel for what works for you and what doesn’t, but here are 3 basic steps to ensure you are being true to yourself:

  1. Develop Self-Awareness

Awareness leads to change. It addresses the question like “what is it?” “What actually happened?” “What are the facts?” “What is the truth?” There are different aspects of awareness:

  • Self-awareness: your beliefs systems, values, thoughts, feelings, emotional responses, energy level, etc

  • Awareness of the reality: what actually happened vs what you believe is happening?

  • Awareness the presence of your surrounding (energy around you that influences you)

  • Awareness of the environment

  • Awareness of choices and options

Why is having awareness important in our life? In order to be living your best life, you must be completely aware of what is happening around and within you at every moment. When you are, you have the ability to make a conscious choice to either continue doing what you are doing or try something different. Awareness allows you to see what is happening right now. Even if current circumstances are the same or similar to something you’ve already experienced when you are aware you have the choice to respond differently and to create a different outcome.

2. Accept your imperfection 

Acceptance is having the ability to go through your days lighthearted and care-free knowing all is just where it needs to be. It goes against fighting for what is and a sense to change what was. You may have wished something different and try to force it turning to the way you want it to. You try hard to change someone else to make him or her act the way you want. Or if you don’t like some aspects of yourself, you may become self-conscious and defensive about it.

 3. Make a decision as to who do you want to be.

Even though being your true self is not possible in every situation (e.g. around your boss), know when to walk away from situations that demand you to be someone else. There is a difference between consciously wearing a mask because your bread and butter is at stake, and wearing it just out of social habit or convention.

The truth is that most people can sense when another person is being fake, cheesy, phony, pretentious, or disingenuous. By being your true self, you will inspire others to be true to themselves as well. You’ll also make people feel more comfortable around you, which is, of course, secondary to your own experience of being more free and comfortable with simply being you! Finally, you’ll also be able to connect much more deeply with people and form more satisfying relationships.

So, practice using this Mantra Today:
“Thank you, I love you, Please Forgive Me, I’m sorry.”

It can be something like this: “I thank you to the divine power within me, for the experiences you have given me, I love you for sending the good and the bad to me, Please forgive me for not believing in my own ability to do well and succeed, I’m sorry that I had criticized you so harshly.”

Sometimes it’s out of our comfort zones to show the world who we really are. There are stigmas that can flood our thoughts of why we shouldn’t reveal who we are. The truth is, you’ll most likely be more appreciated for simply being your real self. It makes you more trustworthy, enjoyable to work with and shows people you aren’t afraid to stand out. Be who you are, appreciate your own quirkiness, your true self, and learn to respect yourself.

In a world where everyone is trying to change you, being your true authentic self takes courage and practice. Make a commitment today, start taking ownership of who you are, unapologetically.


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