How to be more confident?


Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth. — Rumi

When you are stress-free, aware, and accepting of things as they are, able to see the possibilities available to you, and you have processes for making decision both on long- and short-term bases, you’ll be able to make conscious choices based on the best information available to you. 

Being confident and willing to make choices is an important skill. It can change your life in dramatic ways. A person who believes in themselves without relying on others will be able to take bold decisions.

There are several steps in which we can reach the state of being confident: awareness gives you access to see reality by determining facts vs your reactions to facts; acceptance let you stay in an objective way to accept the facts and accepting your reaction to them; Making a conscious choice gives you the ability to discern the facts without judging them which lead to future actions. 

What is the most powerful question anyone can ask in search of confidence? 

The answer? “Why?” 

“Why” is a powerful question because it is the only question that you can use to spark curiosity. Toddlers do this all the time. Children do this to learn and grow. As an adult, we are afraid to ask “why?” because why can be offensive. It can be rude. It may even trigger the forbidden shame, anger, resentment, and judgment within us.

But if you think about why we ask why, it is really quite simple. Every human that exists in this life desire information. Information becomes knowledge, knowledge turns into wisdom. 

If you want to know how to be more confident, don’t ask who can help me, what do I need to do or how can I do this. Instead, ask yourself why you want to do this. Why would confidence be important to you?

All the successful people in life have one thing in common and that is they are fully engaged and committed to their why. They understand why they are doing things and why they believe they are good at it. 

“Why” fulfills the basic human desires of safety, security, and satisfaction. “Why” is the foundation of all things you build your life upon. Sometimes, you’ll even discover that your “why” is the ugliest truth. It is the source of why we hide our most precious gem in life.

“Pressure makes Diamond” 

Your “why” gives your just the right amount of pressure to truly understand why you do the things you do in life, and how they influence every decision that you make.

A conscious choice is one that is made at the moment. When you are stress-free, aware, and accepting of things as they are, able to see the possibilities available to you, and you have processes for making decisions both on long- and short-term bases, you’ll be able to make conscious choices based on the best information available to you.

“No problem can be solved from the same level of thinking that created it.” Albert Einstein. 

People will follow the same pattern until that pattern is disrupted by new knowledge or awareness which allows a different view of oneself and the world. New knowledge can only become available when you pause, breathe, and think about “Why?” 




Michelle Kuei, Pharm.D., ACC, CPC, ELI-MP

Author. Life Coach. Speaker.

  • ICF Associate Certified Coach

  • Certified Professional Coach

  • Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner

  • Certified Cor.E Transitions Dynamic Specialist

  • WomanSpeak Circle Leader

  • Doctor of Pharmacy

Flaws are what make us human. Accepting our flaws and forgiving ourselves for our mistakes and reconciling those conflicting parts of ourselves is crucial to our health and happiness. -Michelle Kuei, “Perfectly Normal: An Immigrant’s Story Of Making It In America”


3 steps to ensure you are being true to yourself


With Loving-Kindness