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Business coach Michelle Kuei Business coach Michelle Kuei

How to put your first coaching package together?

If you're looking to create a successful coaching package that resonates with your target market and brings in the clients, then these 6 steps will help you on your way. Now, whether you're just starting out as a coach or you've been selling your services for a while but haven't put together a package yet, this video is for you.

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Entrepreneurship Michelle Kuei Entrepreneurship Michelle Kuei

3 Secrets to A successful Coaching Business- Even In This Down Economy

If you're looking to succeed in business, forget about the "traditional" advice and focus on your heart. When you lead with your heart, everything else will fall into place. In this article, I shared three secrets to a successful coaching business - even in this down economy - start following your heart today and see how amazing things can happen!

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