How to start coaching business and get paid for it in 3 simple steps


Feeling stuck and unsure of where to begin with your coaching business? If you're just starting out and facing that overwhelming feeling of uncertainty, you're not alone.

Many new coaches feel like they're dealing with "shiny object syndrome," constantly distracted by new ideas and opportunities. But here's the thing—it’s likely not shiny object syndrome holding you back. What you’re experiencing is probably something else entirely, and today, we’re going to dive into that and explore 3 simple steps to help you move forward with confidence.

These tips are not just theoretical; they’ve helped transform my own coaching business.

Is It Really Shiny Object Syndrome?

You've likely heard of shiny object syndrome before—the tendency to chase after every new idea or tool because you believe it will solve all your problems. However, if you're just starting out in your coaching business, shiny object syndrome may not be the real issue.

The actual culprit could be avoidance behavior.

This is a natural human tendency where we move toward pleasure and away from pain. When something is unfamiliar or uncertain, like starting a new business, fear can kick in and lead us to avoid taking action altogether. Think about it—have you ever told yourself, "I’m not tech-savvy, so I can’t go live," or, "I’m not good on camera, so I’ll avoid making videos"?

These narratives create fear, which feeds into avoidance behavior. Instead of moving forward, you stay stuck in a cycle of inaction because what lies ahead feels too daunting.

Understanding Avoidance Behavior

Avoidance behavior is common, especially when you're facing something entirely new and uncertain. When starting out in your coaching journey, everything might seem overwhelming—learning marketing, creating content, building relationships, and more. The fear of making mistakes or not being good enough can easily lead to inaction.

The truth is, shiny object syndrome doesn’t usually come into play until much later in your business journey—when you have some experience under your belt and start chasing new trends. Right now, what’s holding you back is likely avoidance. You might feel like you don’t know where to start, and when you don’t have clear direction, it’s easy to stay in one place, paralyzed by fear.

But don’t worry! I’m going to share three actionable steps that will help you get started on the right path.

Step 1: Define Your Niche and Value Proposition

You’ve probably heard this before, but I’ll say it again—defining your niche is the first step in building a successful coaching business. This is crucial, especially in the online world, where it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. When you have a clear niche, it guides your marketing messages, helps you attract the right clients, and ensures that your content speaks to the right audience.

If you’re struggling to define your niche or feel like you keep tweaking it without finding clarity, I have a free resource to help you. This guide will walk you through the three steps to identify your ideal client and narrow down your niche. If you’re stuck and can’t seem to make progress, it might be time to book a strategy call with me. I can help you gain the clarity you need to move forward without wasting time.

Remember, defining your niche is a simple step, but it can be one of the biggest hurdles for new coaches. So, grab the free resource and start working on it today.

Need help clarifying your niche or improving your strategy? Craft Your Perfect 'I Help' Statement in 3 Simple Steps

Step 2: Develop a Learning Mindset

The second step is to adopt a learning mindset. This is crucial for overcoming the avoidance behavior that keeps you stuck. Rather than telling yourself, "I can’t do this," shift your mindset to, "I’m learning this."

You don’t need to be perfect. Your first videos won’t be flawless, and your early marketing efforts might not get immediate results—but that’s okay. The key is to approach everything with a mindset of growth. Instead of avoiding things like social media or live video because they feel uncomfortable, embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow.

This mindset shift is essential because without it, fear will continue to feed your avoidance behavior. You’ll tell yourself that you’re "not good at tech" or "not confident on camera," and those thoughts will keep you from taking action. But once you start embracing learning and allow yourself to make mistakes along the way, you’ll find it much easier to take the steps needed to grow your business.

Step 3: Build Your Online Presence

This step is non-negotiable—you must start building your online presence if you want to grow your coaching business. In today’s world, it’s not enough to just be a great coach; people need to know that you exist. Your online presence is how you’ll create visibility, credibility, and authority in the coaching space.

If you’ve been holding back on creating social media content or engaging with your audience online, now is the time to change that. Start posting, even if it’s not perfect. Connect with your ideal clients, share your knowledge, and let people see who you are and what you stand for.

Building an online presence takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight, but the sooner you start, the sooner people will begin to recognize you. Don’t wait until everything is "perfect"—if you do, you’ll already be behind. Start building now, even if it feels messy at first. Remember, you’re in the people business, and without an audience, you won’t have anyone to coach.

Bonus Step: Connect and Network

Finally, here’s a bonus step—connect and network with other coaches. If you’re not already part of a community, now’s the time to join one. Networking with other coaches can provide invaluable support, inspiration, and insight into the challenges you’re facing. By connecting with others who have been where you are, you’ll be able to learn from their experiences and avoid common mistakes.

If you’re looking for a community, I invite you to join my Facebook group, Attract Dream Clients and Boost Your Sales. This group is a fantastic place to connect with like-minded coaches, ask questions, and find support.

Final Thoughts

Starting a coaching business can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Avoidance behavior is common when faced with the unknown, but by taking the three steps outlined above—defining your niche, developing a learning mindset, and building your online presence—you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful coaching business. And remember, connect with other coaches and network to keep growing.

Now it’s your turn—what’s the one thing you’re going to work on this week? Will it be defining your niche, developing a learning mindset, or building your online presence? Reply in the comments or send me a message. I’d love to hear about your next steps and help you on your journey.

Ready to get started? Grab the free resource to define your niche, or book a strategy call with me to gain clarity.

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