How to navigate through troubling time?

Yesterday, we experienced the highest temperature in the history of Los Angeles County, California. We reached 113-degree Fahrenheit at around 1:30 pm. Shortly afterward I shared this with friends in my community on my Facebook, the power went out in my neighborhood. It was 2:30 pm on my clock. 

We went out to check other people in the neighborhood. Some homes have it, some don’t. I don’t know what the deal was but t it’s getting a little bit annoying as the day goes on and later last night my neighbor’s motor just kept running all night. It must have been some kind of generator they bought. It was so loud that woke me at 3:30 am. 

My phone was about to die. I do have a power pack but given the unknown ETA from Edison company. I needed to conserve my power pack. The house got really heat up yesterday morning and it felt like a toaster oven even at 3:00 in the morning. 

The point is this is what life is. You probably have experienced something to this extent or maybe something even more significant that I can't imagine. Life is a constant stream of things we can pick out and name all the things that aren’t working right now. The more we think about this, the more we get more worked up by having to deal with them and hoping things had been different. But it’s not because we became our circumstances.

What you see is a direct reflection of what is going on inside of you. There’s a saying that goes "Your attitude determines your altitude". The question we all have is how do you get past this?

My answer? Acceptance.

Power is out. Nothing I can do about it. Oh well. I’m sure I’m not the only one having to wake up in the middle of the night and feeling all pissed off about it. It’s uncomfortable to be in the heat and being inconvenient by what’s happening. Lucky for my neighbor they got a generator going. They were smart. Yes, it is loud and annoying. No doubt about that but maybe they have some kind of food business. Maybe they have a little kid at home. I don't know what they are going through and maybe they just got one of those second-hand generators and its getting old. I don't know so I am going to stop coming up with stories about why it being so loud. 

The point is the way our circumstances works is that it will never change. "Circumstances" will always come at you one thing after another. When a good thing happens, you are not alone. Chances are there are people around you who will experience these same good feelings around you. And same with the negativity.

So long as we are in this world together we are bound to influence by each other’s vibes. This is how the circumstances work in our lives. It is a setting, a container for which you are in. This is where our emotions, thoughts, beliefs all get mixed in a container. 

But the greatest power anyone has at any given circumstance is the power of Responsibility. You have a personal responsibility to take action to do or not do something. With all the negativity that had been said about social media, some will choose social media distancing. It is a choice they made through taking responsibility. Others would choose to follow or unfollow people and deciding on what is best for them. Every one of us needs to take that responsibility and be in charge of our own lives if we want to make this world a better place. Every one. 

Attaining your inner peace so you can emanate your outer Peace.

So how do you get there? I’ll tell you that you won’t get there by hiding, avoiding, and fighting. You attain your inner peace by following 3 steps:

1. Practice
Practice all the things you had learned from watching those who inspire you. What is the big take away you learn from them? Practice those on yourself.

2. Practice
Sign up to programs that teach your mindset. But don’t just sign up. Commit to Practice them. Walk the talk. Not talk the talk.

3. Practice
Believe that you already have all the answers you need even you not see them right now. Get to know yourself. Start with the simple stuff.

In conclusion?

Well...I consider myself on a power outage retreat right now. This newsletter is coming to you a bit late because I just got my power back this morning. During the last 12 hours, It gave me some time to think about my relationship with all the things I have taken for granted. lights for example. They made so much easier for me in my life. I have also learned through this experience that I need to get more power packs for other electronics I need to charge in the case of an emergency. 

Every challenge and uncomfortableness are graduation final exams. Now, the good thing is you can never fail at this exam because every time you take the same exam, you just get smarter and smarter. That's how these exams work. They are meant to build the wisdom you need to navigate through life with ease and with grace. 

If you'd like to learn more about the coaching service I offer, please visit my coaching website and schedule a free consultation with me so I can learn more about what you are looking for and how I can best serve you.  




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