How do I optimize my time?

Dear Michelle

I want to know how you do this. I see you everywhere. I want to know your time manage skill and how you keep things running so seamlessly with your business and with life? I want to know your secret to having multiple roles and still looks so put together.



The simplicity of your life is defined by your needs. The fewer needs you to have, the more simple your life is. However, getting to simplicity isn’t always a simple process. It’s a journey, not a destination, and it can often be a journey.⁠

I appreciate simplicity in many areas of my life. In life, I don’t like to have a cluster of things piling up in my living spaces. I get rid of things by donating them to a local charity, I stop making purchasing things I “might need” vs things that are absolutely essential.

Some people accumulate things to create that false identity or pursue a mythical state of happiness, eliminating yourself of possessions without coming from a place of inward truth is short-sighted. They are disconnected.⁠

When you can take this first step by minimizing the cluster of things that distract you from focusing on your passion, you begin to appreciate more what you can create with everything that you have a the moment. Eventually, this habit of minimizing unnecessary things in your life will translate to everything else you do in life and in work. You learn to utilize all the resources you can have in the present moment by maximizing the function.

Living an abundant life derives from traveling a journey of intentional self-growth. It’s functioning through your true self to live a simple life.⁠ Simplicity becomes the clarity in which you find meaning. It’s the removal of the unnecessary. It’s the discovery of what you value most.⁠

When you are looking at how to start living a more simple life, start with your needs. Both reactive and proactive.⁠ What obligations do you have in life? Can any of them be reduced or eliminated by making different choices? What are the identifiable distractions in your life? Will this create additional needs/obligations in my life? Or better, will this reduce my life’s needs, leading to a more simple life?

Happiness is simple. Simplify your life by adapting with an abundance mindset. You have everything you need to be successful, fulfilled, and happy. It’s not a function of what you do in life, it’s a matter of who you are being.


Michelle ⁠




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