3 ways to find paying clients on social media


Ah yes, the age-old struggle that's as real as it gets, especially when you're just starting out on your coaching journey.

You're doing all the things, right? You're posting consistently on social media, you're networking like a pro, and you're even offering free value to attract potential clients. But despite all your efforts, your client list is as empty as a desert.

So, what's going wrong? Is it that you're not articulating your value clearly enough? Are you drowning in "busy work" that feels productive but isn't actually driving any ROI (Return On Investment)? Or maybe you're just not sure where to find those elusive clients who are ready and willing to invest in your services.

Trust me, I've been there, and it's frustrating as heck.

But here's the silver lining you've been waiting for—social media is a treasure trove of opportunities just waiting for you to tap into.

Think of it as a modern-day networking event, but without the awkward small talk, the forced smiles, and those stale hors d'oeuvres that no one really wants to eat.

The Struggle is Real, But So Are the Opportunities

The Old News Is The Good News

First off, let's get real—our target audience is already hanging out on social media platforms.

Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or even Twitter, these platforms are teeming with people who are actively seeking solutions to their problems.

And guess what? You, my dear, are the solution they've been searching for!

Now, as a female coach, you have a unique advantage.

You bring a level of empathy, understanding, and emotional intelligence to the table that is highly sought after.

Social media allows you to showcase these qualities in a way that genuinely connects with your audience. You can share your personal stories, your triumphs, your struggles, and your insights—all of which help to build trust and rapport. And let's not forget, social media is the perfect platform to flaunt your expertise.

Whether it's through value-packed posts, insightful stories, or engaging videos, you can demonstrate your skills and knowledge in real time, attracting those who resonate with your message.

You can zero in on your ideal client with laser-like precision, thanks to the plethora of advertising tools and analytics at your disposal.

Want to target new moms who are looking for postpartum fitness coaching? There's an ad for that. How about career-driven women who need help balancing work and life? Yep, you can find them too.

The possibilities are endless, and the ROI (Return On Investment) can be phenomenal if done right.

So, if you've been hesitant to fully leverage social media as a client-finding tool, it's time to shake off those doubts. Your future clients are scrolling through their feeds right now, looking for someone exactly like you. Don't keep them waiting!

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Three Platforms to Find Your Goldmine

Alright, let's get into the nitty-gritty of where you can actually find these dream clients of yours. I've got three platforms that I believe are absolute goldmines but sometimes maybe overlooked for female coaches. Trust me, your potential clients may not be where you think they are:

Facebook: The Social Media Giant

First up, we have the evergreen Facebook. Now, I know what you're thinking—Facebook is for keeping up with Aunt Susan's cat photos. My career-driven women are not going to be on Facebook, they are on LinkedIn!

But wait a second and hear me out.

Facebook is a treasure trove of opportunities for coaches, especially in the realm of Facebook Groups. These groups often serve as mini-communities where people are actively seeking advice, sharing their struggles, and looking for solutions.

That's where you come in.

Engage in these groups by answering questions, offering free advice, and sharing valuable content that aligns with your coaching niche. And when the moment is right, don't be shy—slide into those DMs. A personalized message can go a long way in establishing a connection and potentially leading to a discovery call.

But remember, the key is genuine engagement. No spammy sales pitches, please!

Meetup: Not Just for Hobbyists

Next on the list is Meetup. (Ha! You missed that one, right!)

Now, this platform is a hidden gem. Most people think of Meetup as a place to find local events or hobbyist groups, but it's so much more. As a coach, you can use Meetup to host your own events, whether they're virtual workshops, webinars, or even group coaching sessions.

The beauty of Meetup is that it's a self-selecting audience.

People who join your event are already interested in your topic, making them warm leads. Plus, hosting your own event positions you as an authority in your field.

It's a win-win situation.

After the event, make sure to follow up with attendees, offer additional value, and invite them to work with you further.

Your Own Platform: The Home Base

Last but definitely not least, let's talk about your own platform.

This includes your website, your blog, and especially your email list.

These are people who have already shown an interest in what you offer. They've either subscribed to your newsletter, read your blogs, or visited your website. That's half the battle!

Your platform is your space to go deeper.

Share your best content, offer exclusive deals, and most importantly, nurture those relationships.

Consistency is key here.

Regularly update your blog, send out newsletters, and keep the lines of communication open.

Remember, people buy from those they know, like, and trust. Your platform is where you build that trust, one blog post or email at a time.

Your Client-Attracting Superpowers: The Final Word

Finding paying clients might seem like an uphill battle, especially when you're new to the coaching world.

But here's the game-changer: we're living in a digital era where your next client could be a click away.

Platforms like Facebook, Meetup, and your very own website aren't just social or informational spaces; they're bustling marketplaces teeming with potential clients.

The secret sauce?

Authenticity mixed with value. You don't have to put on a show or be someone you're not. People resonate with realness, and they're more likely to invest in a coach who offers genuine value and connection. So, engage with your audience, offer them something they can't resist, and build those meaningful relationships.

Your future clients are out there, scrolling, attending virtual events, or maybe even reading your latest blog post. They're looking for someone just like you to guide them. Your task? To be yourself, offer immense value, and let them know you exist.

Happy client hunting! Ready to dive deeper? Grab a Free Strategy Call From Me Here.

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