3 tips to beat your marketing overwhelm (..and get more done)

I see you're juggling the demands of a full-time job while fueling your passion for coaching.

Quite a unique blend of thrill and exhaustion, isn't it?

But here's a little secret - you're part of a rather special tribe that's doing the same hustle.

And I'm right there with you. 🙋🏻‍♀️

Today, I'm pulling back the curtain to reveal how I navigate the waters between my full-time role and the adventure that is my thriving coaching business. (Surprise, surprise - it's actually not as crazy as it sounds!)

Have you ever found yourself knee-deep in the responsibilities of your regular job, tackling those deadlines and ticking tasks off your to-do list?

……Then, in the blink of an eye, you find yourself in your coaching space, carefully crafting strategies to guide your clients to their goals. Quite the balancing act, wouldn't you agree? (if you’re still feeling stuck on trying to FIND those paying clients…that’s a whole different game on so many levels!)

But guess what?

It's kind of like mixing up a fascinating cocktail - part exhilarating due to the sheer joy of following your passion, and part, well, tiring because it really can feel like a non-stop race.

So, here I am, ready to share my personal journey of straddling the demands of a full-time job and growing a successful coaching business. (Spoiler alert - it's not as chaotic as you might imagine!)

It's more about finding your unique rhythm, your own sweet spot in this whirlwind.

I'm about to spill the beans on the strategies that help me stay afloat, productive, and victorious. If I can do it, so can you!

Get ready to gain some insights you can implement in your own hustle. Let's dive in!

The Time-Blocking Tactic 📅

So, you're curious about my secret sauce to navigating this busy life, right? (Drumroll, please...) It's time-blocking! Yes, you heard that right. As simple as it might sound, this is the game-changer, my friends.

Think of time blocking as the backbone of your day, week, or even month.

It doesn't matter whether you're a fan of an old-fashioned paper planner or you prefer the crisp, clean layout of Google Calendar. The principle remains the same - you're allocating specific slots of time to various tasks, commitments, and yes, even self-care.

Here's how it works.

Picture your typical day - from the moment you sip on your morning coffee to the time you're winding down in the evening. Now, imagine assigning each activity its own dedicated time slot.

You're essentially telling your time where to go instead of wondering where it went.

And the best part?

Time blocking is flexible. Have an unexpected event pop up? No problem - just shift your blocks around. It's like having a living, breathing schedule that works with you, not against you.

But let's make it even more fun and visually pleasing.

Try color-coding your blocks - maybe red for urgent tasks, green for your coaching work, and blue for personal time. It's like creating a vibrant, easy-to-read map of your day that gives you a snapshot of where your time is going.

So, here's the first step to reclaiming control over your time - whip out that planner or open that digital calendar, and let's get to blocking! It's not just about being busy, but about being productive and ensuring that each moment is spent on something that aligns with your goals.

Find Your Planning Groove 💃

Before we even contemplate diving headfirst into planning, I want you to take a step back, take a deep breath, and think.

What's your personal style when it comes to plotting out your goals and tasks?

Are you the kind of person who loves to paint the big picture, envisaging and setting goals for the whole year in one fell swoop? Or perhaps, do you find it more manageable to break things down, setting monthly or even daily milestones?

Everyone's different, and there's no right or wrong way.

In my own experience, I've found that weekly planning offers just the right balance. Every Sunday, I brew a nice cup of coffee, settle down in my favorite armchair with my planner, and envisage the week ahead.

It gives me a sense of clarity, like having a mini crystal ball that offers glimpses into the immediate future of my schedule. Speaking of planning, did you know you can grab my content planner to start planning your social media content more strategically? Grab your copy here to get your simple framework for women coaches to create content that attracts and sells

But what's the next step after finding your planning rhythm?

It's all about setting goals - Goal-Setting 101 if you will.

This stage is your opportunity to sketch out the broad strokes of your vision for the year. Think of it as crafting a vision board for your business - What's your highest priority? What's the big-ticket item you want to achieve?

Take me, for example - my primary focus for this year is to turbocharge my email list.

Remember though, at this point, we're just brainstorming. You don't need to get stuck in the minutiae yet.

Here's a key piece of advice, a nugget of wisdom if you will: don't bite off more than you can chew. It's easy to get caught up in the enthusiasm of planning and set a mountain of goals. But doing so can transform your sprint into a grueling marathon.

Instead, try to limit yourself to around six primary goals that you believe will genuinely elevate your coaching business to the next level. This approach keeps your vision focused and manageable, ensuring that you're set for success, and not overwhelmed with tasks.

Breaking It Down 🔨

So you've envisioned your grand plan for the year, your big audacious goals. What's the next step in the journey?

It's time to slice those lofty aspirations into smaller, more digestible pieces.

Let's say, for instance, your aim is to attract 200 new email subscribers within a month. This might seem like a tall order initially, but breaking it down into weekly, even daily targets makes the goal more approachable and achievable.

Rather than being overwhelmed by a large number, you're now dealing with a manageable daily task!

As a friendly reminder while we're on the topic of subscribing, don't forget to hit that subscribe button on my YouTube channel, and while you're at it, why not follow me on Facebook too? I guarantee you won't want to miss out on the exciting content I've got lined up!

Now, let's delve a bit deeper into your strategy: How many conversations do you need to initiate every day to reach your goal of 200 subscribers? Craft your social media posts with intent, design them to pique the interest of your followers, and entice them toward your free lead magnet.

The key here is to ensure that every single step you take is intentional and that each move aligns with and advances your annual goals. This kind of strategic planning maintains your focus, keeps you on track, and continually steers you toward your primary objectives.

Remember, your goals aren't just lofty dreams - they're achievable milestones when you approach them strategically and break them down into actionable tasks.

Wrap Up 🎁

So, there you have it, folks! As an introverted lady-coach, mastering the art of time management is indeed your secret weapon, your magic potion in conquering the hustle of balancing full-time work and a thriving coaching business.

The key ingredients in this magical brew?

  1. Discover your planning style: It's vital to understand how you work best. Are you a broad visionary or a detail-oriented planner? Once you determine your planning style, you can set up your time blocks to match.

  2. Set achievable goals: Having a grand vision is great, but remember to keep your feet on the ground. Set goals that are ambitious yet realistic, and that truly take your coaching business to the next level.

  3. Break your goals down into digestible tasks: This is the secret sauce! Large goals can feel overwhelming, but by breaking them down into smaller tasks, they become more manageable and approachable.

  4. Utilize tools like the Full Focus Planner or Passion Planner: Tools like these help streamline your planning process, making it easy to visualize your tasks and keep track of your progress.

If I may add, would you be interested in getting a behind-the-scenes look at how I plan my content calendar? If your answer is yes, be sure to drop a comment below!


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